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Spring Plumage

Posted on by Mark Winchester / Leave a comment

On a dark, quiet, shivery morning, I drive to a greater sage-grouse lek near Dubois from where I camped, sleeping in the back of my full-sized pick-up. The moon is bright, but I can still see a slew of stars above me. The moonlight reveals a sprinkle of snow glistening like diamonds that swathes the lek. The only sound I hear is frozen vegetation crunching under my feet. As I approach the blind, I’m thankful for the warmth of gloves, protective boots, and a down coat.
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How to Catch a Skunk

Posted on by Harvey Hughett / Leave a comment

Of the many skunks that I’ve caught over the years, including a number in northern Idaho’s Latah and Benewah Counties, I only got sprayed a few times, always in the hand as I was trying to grab and pin the tail.

Simply put, I missed the skunk’s tail but the skunk didn’t miss me. No one believes me, but if the tail is pinned properly, this paralyzes the skunk’s stink mechanism and it cannot spray. Continue reading

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