A Different Version of Me

The Perfect Life Takes a Turn
By Angela Abraham
Photos courtesy of Angela Abraham
In January 2021, a tiny lump popped up out of nowhere on my breast. Just like that. I was strong, did not drink or smoke. This couldn’t happen to me. I was too healthy and active. I was starting a new business. Life was moving along perfectly—until this lump.
I’m a wife, a mother, and a shepherd. I live in a beautiful mountain valley in far northern Idaho. I love the outdoors, gardening, hiking, riding my horse, and tending to my goats. Yep, I raise goats. Angora goats, to be exact.
They produce the most gorgeous mohair fiber. I spin and weave with it. I have been “living green” long before it was a buzzword. So how could I, who did everything right and avoided everything wrong, get sick?
I didn’t have time for this. I was busy writing a lengthy USDA grant for our ranch, to turn our excess mohair into socks. For the grant, I had to conceptualize a business down to the tiniest detail. I had to identify the supply chain, determine cost of goods, profit margins, brand identity, create a business plan, spreadsheets, marketing plan, and the list went on. It was in-depth, time-consuming, and I poured my heart into it.
I completed the grant in May. The little lump was still there, nagging at me to go to the doctor. I talked myself out of it. Don’t mammograms have a lot of radiation? I’m healthy, I reasoned. I make my own goat milk soap. I buy organic as much as is reasonable. I eat grass-fed beef or wild game. I take my vitamins. I drink raw milk. I go to the gym. I avoid chemicals. I nursed my kids.
June came around and I started getting more concerned, but it was summer: so much to get done on a ranch during summer. Plus, it was a Covid year, and the world was unsettled, and so was the medical system. What’s more, I’ve been skeptical of the medical community ever since it became big business.
July came around and my little lump started to grow, like a seed waiting for its moment. At that point I figured if this was a problem, I might need help. I made an appointment with an OB/GYN doctor through Kootenai Health in Coeur d’Alene. The doctor I was assigned to scheduled a mammogram but he proved to be neither very kind nor compassionate.
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