April 2016 Calendar

By Ruby Tanner
Want to announce your event in IDAHO magazine? Send information to Ruby Tanner.There is no cost or obligation – but the event must be family-oriented and “family-affordable.” All events get a line (date, event, location). DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS: The first of the month two months prior to the month of the event. Example: deadline for a March event would be January 1. Send details to: [email protected].
All Month Museum exhibit: A realistic replica of the world’s largest pre-historic snake, Titanoboa (48 feet long and weighing an estimated one-and-a-half tons); the Idaho Museum of Natural History, Idaho State University, Pocatello
1,15 Lego Club: A fun-filled time for those ages 8-12; 10:30AM, Public Library, Soda Springs
1 First Friday Art Walk: 5:00-8:00PM, Old Town Pocatello
1,3 Opera: 7:30PM; $8 for adults, $5 for students and senior citizens; University Auditorium, U of Idaho, Moscow
1 Story Trail Book of the Month-“Baby Owls”: Jim Hall Foothills Learning Center; (208)493-2530, 3188 Sunset Peak Rd, Boise
1 ISU Family Game Night: Come one, come all; Bring your family, whether its your Bengal Family (your roommates and friends) or your actual family, and please join us in the family friendly atmosphere for dinner and board games galore; Free to Faculty, Students & Staff, General Public is $3 per person or $10 for families; 5:30 – 8pm; Bengal Café, ISU Campus, Pocatello
1-29 Story Time at the Jerome Public Library: FRIDAYS; 10-11AM and 1-2PM; Free; Come read, sing, and play with us, Jerome
1-8 Portrait–The Art of Likeness: Art show, BYU-I Spori Art Gallery, Rexburg
1-29 Late Night Fridays: FRIDAYS every week; Ages 12-17; 7:00-11:00pm at the Fort Boise Community Center; Work out, hang out, play games, and learn how to make clay pots – whatever works for you; Play basketball or volleyball, use the Teen Activity Center computer lab, weight room, art classroom, X-Box, PC gaming or just relax with your friends; $2 or free with school ID, Boise
1-29 Senior Bridge: THURSDAYS & FRIDAYS; 12:00-3:30PM, American Legion Hall, Meridian
1,8,15,29 Department of Fish & Wildlife Sciences seminar speaker series: 1:30-2:20 p.m., Room 10, College of Natural Resources Room 10; students, faculty, staff and the community are welcome to attend these seminars–information: [email protected]@uidaho.edu, U of Idaho, Moscow
1-30 Play In Your Moccasins Basketball Tourny, Lapwai
2 Teen Ballroom Dance Classes: SATURDAYS; FREE; 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm; Xrossway Fitness and Lifecenter, Twin Falls
2 The Monster Truck Grand Nationals: 7:00 PM at Holt Arena, ISU campus, Pocatello
2 Share a Little Luck Run: 9am – 1pm; Meander, skip or jog your way along our 5k/10k course starting at the Burley high school track, Burley
2 Tree Planting & Pruning Workshop: 10:00 – Noon, Lakeview Park; Info at 468-5748, Nampa
2 Organic Gardening Class: Free and Open to the public; (ifcga.org for information); University Place CHE Building, Room 211, Idaho Falls
2 “Hot Rod Happenin’”: Car show,
(208-409-4292), Nampa High School,
1:00-5:00PM, Nampa
2,3 Spudtown Knockdown RollerDerby: spudtownknockdown.com, Expo Idaho,
Garden City
2-17 Idaho State Capitol Tours: SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS; (332-1012); Free, Boise
2-30 Busy B’s Market: SATURDAYS; Farmers Market, Arts & Crafts and assorted vendors; next to Highway 30 at Billingsley Creek State Park, Hagerman
2-30 Capital City Public Martket: SATURDAYS, Boise
4 Guest Artist Recital: Geoffrey Trabichoff, violin, Rajung Yang, piano; $5 for adults, $3 for students & senior citizens; Haddock Performance Hall, U of Idaho, Moscow
4-25 “Make it at the Library”: magicvalley.com/calendar/technology/jr-make-it-at-the-library-in-jerome/event_c66d7c4c-b3d2-11e4-9231-a337a70c4820.html MONDAYS; 3:45 pm – 5:00 pm; join us for FREE, hands on, STEM (Science-Technology-Engineering-Mathematics) based activities for grades 6th-12th
Jerome Public Library, Jerome
5-26 Minecrafternoons: TUESDAYS; Come play Minecraft EDU on our private server; FREE; 3:45 pm – 5:00 pm, Jerome Public Library, Jerome
5 Kilroy Coffee Klatch: Held on the first Tuesday of every month for coffee and conversation at the Warhawk Air Museum, this event is FREE for ALL veterans and ALL veterans are welcome; 10:00 AM-12:00 noon; Nampa
6 Seasonal Wanderings Family Series–Star Party: 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM; PCEI Nature Center, 1040 Rodeo Drive, Moscow
6 Birding Series with Terry Rich–“Bird Song”: 9:00 to 10:00 am, Free; Jim Hall Foothills Learning Center, Center3188 Sunset Peak Rd, Boise
6 Roses and Landscape: Review of the basic steps involved to produce beautiful, healthy roses; free; 6:00-8:30PM, Boise Public Library, Boise
6,7 Bengal Decathlon-Heptathlon: ISU men’s and women’s track meet, Pocatello
6-27 Senior Chess: WEDNESDAYS; Come learn the Game of Kings from chess expert Gregg Jones; 2:00-3:30, Garden City Library, Garden City
6-27 Family Night at Idaho Ice World: WEDNESDAYS, 6:30pm to 8:30pm; $5 per person including skate rental; quality entertainment in a safe, fun, family friendly environment that helps support a healthy lifestyle; Boise
6-27 Wii Wednesday: WEDNESDAYS; FREE; Join us for fun with the Wii–this program is for children of all ages, Jerome Public Library , Jerome
7 First Thursday in Downtown Boise, Boise
7 First Thursday, Moscow
7 FREE Evening Exhibition Tour: “I Need to Tell You Something–The Lost Art of Letter Writing and Communication Today”, presented by Sun Valley Center for the Arts 5:30pm to 6:30pm, Ketchum
7 Fort Boise Birding Tour: 2-mile walking tour around the Fort Boise Wildlife Management Area near Parma; bring comfortable shoes, binoculars, water and camera; transportation, guided tour and lunch provided; $15; depart and return Nampa Rec Center, Nampa
7 Tree Disorders, Insects, and Disease Workshop: 7-9pm; Free, but pre-registration is encouraged (468-5748); Council Chambers at City Hall, Nampa
7-28 “Jr. Make It at the Library”: THURSDAYS; FREE; hands on, STEM (Science-Technology-Engineering-Mathematics)-based activities for grades 1st through 5th; Jerome Public Library, Jerome
8 Inner Tube Water Polo: Come hop in our inner-tubes for a fun game of inner-tube water polo (Children must be able to pass the swim test before participating); 7:00 PM; Free (with pool admission); Rec Center, Nampa
9 “Take Me Fishing” Trailer: 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM, Kleiner Pond, Records Rd, Meridian
9 Second Saturday Series-“Raptors”: Jim Hall Foothills Learning Center; 10:00 – 1:00; Free, family friendly, drop in–no pre-registration needed; Please – no pets; Boise
9 Free Boating Safety Class: 9:00am – 4:00pm Valley County Sheriff’s Office, Cascade
9-10 Treasure Valley Flea Market: Expo Idaho,
Garden City
9-10 Lewis & Clark Boise/Nampa Gun Show: Ford Idaho Center, Nampa
11-16 Library Scavenger Hunt: Bring in your kids any time during the week to participate in our scavenger hunt in celebration of National Library Week; Follow the clues through the library to find the prize at the end; 9:30 AM daily, Garden City Library, Garden City
12 “Reading Tails”: All ages are welcome to bring a beloved book to share with this attentive audience of trained therapy dogs (with their owners) that are waiting to hear your favorite story; 3:30-4:30, Public Library, Nampa
12 Story Trail Book of the Month-“Baby Owls”: Jim Hall Foothills Learning Center; (208)493-2530, 3188 Sunset Peak Rd, Boise
13 Sunset Series–Climate Change: 7:00-8:30PM, Jim Hall Foothills Learning Center, (208)493-2530, 3188 Sunset Peak Rd, Boise
13 Chinese Movie Night: “Tai Chi Zero”; 7:00-9:30 PM; Admission free and open to the public; Kenworthy Performing Arts Centre, Moscow
13 “Take Me Fishing” Trailer: 4:00-8:00 PM, Settlers Pond, North Meridian Rd, Meridian
14 Home School Day: Hyatt Lakes trip, Jim Hall Foothills Learning Center, (208)493-2530, Boise
14 “Take Me Fishing” Trailer: 4:00-8:00PM, McDevitt Pond, East McMillan, Boise
15-16 4th District High School Rodeo at the Bannock County Events Center in Pocatello.
15-17 Salmon River Jet Boat Races: 32nd Annual Jet Boat Races; Show & Shine; “Boat Show”; BBQ; and lots of racing, Riggins
16 WaterShed Weekend—Weather and Climate in Our Water Shed: Between 10:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m., we’ll dive into weather and climate science with hydrologists in our community; Boise WaterShed, Boise
16 Portneuf Valley Environmental Fair: Fun interactive learning for kids of all ages about their local environment, and local entertainers will perform live music; 11:00 am to 3:00 pm at Caldwell Park, Pocatello
16 Ageless Senior Center Breakfast Fundraiser: This raises funds to help provide meals and home delivered meals for the senior citizens of Kimberly, Hansen and Murtaugh; Come enjoy a great breakfast and help support these programs—bring family and friends; 8:00 am – 11:00 am , $7.00; Ageless Senior Center, Kimberly
16 Week of the Young Child Celebration: Free children’s activities; 12:00 PM; Kathryn Albertson Park, Boise
16 “Take Me Fishing” Trailer: 10:00AM-2:00PM, Wilson Ponds, South Powerline, Nampa
16 VFW Breakfast: 8:00-11:00AM; $5 donation, kids under 12 years old are free; VFW Hall, Rexburg
16 Skills on Wheels: 10:00 AM, CWI Nampa Campus Micron Center , Nampa
16 Guffey’s Bridge to Butte Day Hike: This intermediate-level hike will involve a 2000 foot elevation gain over 3.5 miles; We will take our time and eat lunch at the top with panoramic views of the Owyhee Mtns; A complete gear list available upon request from the Rec Center; 9am- 1pm; $10; Depart & Return Nampa Rec Center, Nampa
17-23 Earth Day Celebration, Lapwai
17-18 Saint Anthony Cowboy Poetry Gathering: Roxy Theater, St. Anthony,
20 “Take Me Fishing” Trailer: 4:00 PM- 8:00 PM, Williams Pond, Boise
21 “Take Me Fishing” Trailer: 4:00-8:00PM, Kleiner Pond, Records Rd, Meridian
21-23, 28-30 “As You Like It”: 7:30 pm in the Hartung Theater, Free for UI students, $10 for UI faculty, staff and people 55 and better, $15 general public, U of I, Moscow
22 First Farmer’s Market: 4:00-8:00PM, Rexburg
22-23 District 8 Preston High School Rodeo at the Bannock County Events Center in Pocatello bannockcountyfairgrounds.com
22-24 Dogwood Festival of the Lewis-Clark Valley: Includes its signature event, Art Under the Elms; Lewis-Clark State College, Lewiston
23 “Take Me Fishing” Trailer: 10:00AM-2:00PM, McDevitt Pond, East McMillan, Boise
23 Walk MS: 9:00AM, North Idaho College, Molstead Library; contact HYPERLINK mailto:[email protected], [email protected], Coeur d’Alene
23 Treasure Valley Kite Festival, Kleiner Park, Meridian
23 Spring Kickoff: All day; free admission, Nampa Rec Center, Nampa
27 “Take Me Fishing” Trailer: 4:00-8:00 PM, Settlers Pond, North Meridian Rd, Meridian
28 Women’s Seminar and Expo: 10:00AM-3:00PM, Best Western Plus Inn, Burley
28 “Take Me Fishing” Trailer: 4:00-8:00 PM, Parkcenter Pond, Boise
28 Jerome Middle School Talent Show: Silent Auction starts at 5:00PM, Talent Show starts at 6:00PM, $5 adults, $3 kids; Jerome
30 Long Camp Farmers’ Market: 9:00AM – 1:00PM, Kamiah/Kooskia
30 Experience Idaho: 9am-5pm; Center Expo Building; Admission $5 Adults. Kids 6 and under free; Garden City
30 Family Fun Pet Expo: A fun-filled event for the entire family to enjoy–Bring your well-behaved feline, canine, reptile, or flying companions with you and appreciate an experience that draws incredible pets to one location; a weekend like no other; where else can you bring fido and wear a snake around your neck while interacting with other pet lovers; South Expo Building, Expo Idaho, Garden City
30 “Take Me Fishing” Trailer: 11:00AM-3:00PM, Ed’s Pond, Emmett
30 EDURO-X PMXP Motocross Race at the Pocatello Motocross Park in Pocatello
30 Kids’ Fun Fest: Here’s the place to find the latest information, products and services for babies, kids, teens and parents; North Expo Building, Expo Idaho, Garden City
30-5/1 Renaissance Fair: Free; entertainment, booths, food, children’s activities, parades, Maypole dances, and all the rest, all under the trees at East City Park, Moscow
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