April 2018 Calendar

By Les Tanner
Cancellations or changes due to weather, illness of performers, and other such things, although rare, are bound to occur. Double-checking with the event coordinators about locations, dates and times is always a good idea.
2 “Listen up! Birding by Ear”: Idaho Fish & Game Department’s Conservation Education Supervisor Vicky Runnoe will teach attendees how to identify common Boise-area birds, just by sound. Free and open to the public; 6:30-8:00 PM, MK Nature Center, 600 S. Walnut Street, Boise
2-30 Family Fun Art Night: MONDAYS.aork together as a family to complete an art project. Different project each week. Appropriate for all ages with parental guidance. Cost: $16 for a family of 4, $3 each additional person. Pre-registration is encouraged (208) 552.1080. 5-8:30pm, ARTitorium, Idaho Falls.
3 Kilroy Coffee Klatch: 10:00-12:00 at Nampa’s Warhawk Air Museum; FREE for ALL veterans and ALL veterans are welcome; Coffee and breakfast treats are served at no charge.; No RSVP required – just show up; Nampa
3 Young Readers: Book club for kids 6-10 years of age; 4-5:00 PM, Book People, Moscow
3-8 Missoula Children’s Theatre: Auditions, workshops, performance of “The Tortoise versus the Hare”, Challis
3-24 Time for Tots: TUESDAYS. Everyone is welcome, but during this time we will make the main space perfect for those 5 and under. Cost: $5, but free for 3 and under. 10am – Noon, ARTitorium, Idaho Falls
4 Birding Series–“Bird Song”: Terry Rich will share some tips to help you identify species by their songs. 9-10 AM, Foothills Learning Center, 3188 Sunset Peak Road, Boise
4 Organic Gardening Class: Get ready for the upcoming growing season with Boise Urban Garden School’s (BUGS) Organic Gardening Class. Topics will include garden planning, plant selection and care, watering, and weed and pest management. FREE! To register, call (208) 608.7680. 6:00-8:30PM, Boise Main Library, Boise
4 Responsible Riders ATV Class: Pre-registration required (idpr.idaho.gov/reced/Home/Search?searchOption=ATV/UTV); 6:00-9:00PM; Pickles Butte OHV area; Nampa
4-25 Parent Play Date: WEDNESDAYS, 11:00-Noon. A chance for parents to work on an art project with their pre-schoolers (ages 3-5) without making a mess at home. $6 first parent and child, $3 each extra child. Pre-registration recommended (208) 552.1080; ARTitorium, Idaho Falls
4-25 Lap-Sit Story Time: WEDNESDAYS, For care providers and babies and waders up to 18 months. 10:30 a.m., BookPeople, Moscow
4-25 Blaine County Chess Club: WEDNESDAYS. 5:30 PM at the Community Campus, Hailey.
4-27 Story Tine: WEDNESDAYS and FRIDAYS. Books and crafts designated for children ages 2- 4 will be available during story time. All ages are welcome. 10:30-12:30, Public Library, Hailey
5 “Julius Caesar”: ISF/Shakespearience, 7:00 PM, Challis Middle School Auditorium, Challis
5 First Thursday, 5:00 PM, Downtown Boise
5 Responsible Riders ATV Class: Pre-registration required. (idpr.idaho.gov/reced/Home/Search?searchOption=ATV/UTV); 6:00-9:00PM, Airport Park OHV area, Blackfoot
5-26 TNT Thursdays: THURSDAYS; Kids 10 and up meet to play video games; 4:00-5:00PM, Library, Hailey
5-26 Teen Thursday: THURSDAYS. Creating, building, and tinkering; different activities each week. Grades 6-12; Free. 4:00 PM, Library, Caldwell.
6,7 “Our Town” (Opera):. A three-act opera, the first to be adapted from the Thornton Wilder play of the same name. “Our Town” tells the story of the fictional American small town of Grover’s Corners between 1901 and 1913 through the everyday lives of its citizens. Cost: $15 general admission; $14 seniors, faculty and staff; $10 children; $7 ISU students with ID; 7:30 p.m. in the Bilyeu Theatre, Frazier Hall, ISU Campus, Pocatello
6-27 BINGO: FRIDAYS, 6:00PM, Senior Center, Meridian
7 Museum Work Day: Volunteers welcome; 8:00AM; Lunchtime Seminar (bring your own lunch): Wieteke Holthuijzen, Friends of Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge, “Turning over a new leaf: Restoration of Midway Atoll, a story of change and recovery in a novel environment”; The O.J.Smith Museum of Natural History, Boone Hall, The College of Idaho, Caldwell
7 Weaving Guild Meeting, 11:30AM, First Congregational Church of Christ, Boise
7 Member Art Show: “Back in the Studio” at the Mad Dog Gallery, Challis
7 Incredible Age Expo, Expo Idaho, Garden City
7 Monster Truck Grand Nationals, Holt Arena, Pocatello
7-8 Rock and Gem Show: This event showcases products like gems, minerals, fossils ,gold, silver, antique Jewelry, pearls, gemstones, ruby, sapphire, opal, emerald, crystal and much more in the Consumer & Carnivals, Gems & Jewelry industries. Bannock County Fairgrounds, Pocatello
9 Jump Creek Hike: The trail to the beautiful waterfall at Jump Creek is an easy ¼ mile hike. After exploring the waterfall, we will hike to the top of the ridge to get a better view of the majestic canyon. Dress for the weather and pack your own lunch. Cost: $10. 9:30AM-1:30PM. Depart and Return, Nampa Rec Center, Nampa
9,13 Bilingual Story Time: Come enjoy our bilingual stories, songs, and fun! Story time will be in English and Spanish. All families with children of all ages are welcome.10:15-11:00; Library, Nampa
10 Story Trail Adventure–“A Seed is Sleepy”: For ages 3-1/2 to 5. We will walk the quarter mile trail and read the story pages posted on our platforms together. 10:00-11:00. $3. Register by calling (208) 608.7680. Foothills Learning Center, 3188 Sunset Peak Road, Boise
10 Middle-Grade Readers: Book club for kids 9-14 years of age; 4:00-5:00 PM, BookPeople, 521 S. Main St., Moscow
10 Spring Bride and Party Expo: Kingston Plaza, Idaho Falls
10 Make It! Craft Club: Ages 16+. Get crafty and make something new each month! All materials provided; take home what you make! Free. 7-8:30pm, Public Library, Caldwell
10 Piano Chameleons, ISU, Twin Falls
10 Southern Idaho Livestock Hall of Fame Banquet: Since 1960 this event has been honoring individuals who have made a difference in the livestock industry in Southern Idaho. 2018 Inductees are Scott & Sarah Bedke, Dean & LaDeane Brown, Wade & Gwenna Prescott, Harry & Flora Bokma, Jim Baker and, posthumously, Ed & Emily Baker. $25/plate; reserve tickets at (208) 732.1077. 6:30 PM, Turf Club, Twin Falls
11 Lawn & Landscape Class, “Lawn and Irrigation”: FREE! To register, call (208)608.7680. 6:00-8:30PM, Boise Main Library, Boise
11 Responsible Riders ATV Class: Pre-registration required (idpr.idaho.gov/reced/Home/Search?searchOption=ATV/UTV); 6:00-9:00PM, Amalgamated Sugar OHV area, Twin Falls
12 Thursday Afternoon Read: Ages 18+. Join us for a lively discussion of Case Histories by Kate Atkinson. Free. 2-3pm, Public Library, Caldwell.
12 Home School Day: Taught by professional environmental educators and Master Naturalists who make science come alive and connect your student to the natural world. Students are divided into three separate groups based on grade level. For children in grades Pre-K to 6th grade. Fee: $3. Register by calling (208)608.7680. 10:00-11:30, Foothills Learning Center, 3188 Sunset Peak Road, Boise
12 Responsible Riders ATV Class: Pre-registration required (idpr.idaho.gov/reced/Home/Search?searchOption=ATV/UTV); 6:00-8:00PM, Idaho Falls Raceway OHV area, Idaho Falls
13-14 4th District High School Rodeo, Bannock County Fairgrounds, Pocatello
13-15 “Play In Your Moccasins” Basketball Tournament, Lapwai
13-15 Idaho Horse Expo, Ford Idaho Horse Park, Nampa
13-5/29 Challis Arts Council Members Show, MadDog Gallery, Challis
14 Portneuf Valley Environmental Fair, Caldwell Park, Pocatello
14 Bike Safety and Simple Repair: Ages 12+. Learn basic repair and safety for your bicycle; Free. 12-1pm, Caldwell Public Library, Caldwell
14 Treasure Valley Roller Derby, Expo Idaho,
Garden City
14 Boating Safety Class: Free. Register at (208)263.8417; 9:00 AM, Sandpoint
14 Sing Along With Don Ritchey: 12:30 PM, Library District, Meridian
15 Sunday Demonstration: Join local artists and experts for afternoon demonstrations and special hands-on experiences related to the exhibitions. Free with the price of admission. 1:00 – 3:00 p.m., Boise Art Museum, Boise
15-21 Lapwai Earth Day Celebration, Lapwai
17 BUGS Home School Days: K-3rd -Seeds & Planting; 4th and up- Garden Planning; $3/student. To register, call (208) 608.7680. 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM, BUGS (Boise Urban Garden School), 2995 N Five Mile Rd. Boise
17 Crochet for Beginners: Ages 10+ Learn how to crochet with an easy, fun project. All materials provided. Free. 7:00-8:00 pm, Library, Caldwell
18 Especially for Seniors: Seniors (62+) receive free admission all day, 10:00AM to 5;00PM and at 2:00PM, senior citizens get a docent-led tour featuring a different BAM exhibition. Boise Art Museum, Boise
18 Cabin Conversations–“WWI Oral Histories”: Free. 5:30-7:30 PM; American Legion Cabin, 317 S. Howard St., Moscow
18 Home School Day: Join your home school community in learning about birds of prey with The Peregrine Fund. Lessons will incorporate the Life Sciences, with special emphases on Adaptations, Habitat, and Wildlife Conservation. Morning session 10:30-12, Interpretive Center open house 12-1. Afternoon session 1:30-3, Interpretive Center open house 3-4. $3 per person. Members and children under 4 admitted free. Register at [email protected] or (208) 362.8260. World Center for Birds of Prey, Boise
18 Native Plants of the Boise Foothills: Class will provide an overview of native plants of the Boise foothills and the important habitat they provide for wildlife in the area. FREE! To register, call (208) 608.7680. 6:00-7:00PM, Boise Main Library, Boise
19 Starting with Asparagus: Ages 16+ Learn how to plant and nurture asparagus and find out what health benefits it offers! Free. 7-8pm, Public Library, Caldwell
19-20 Spring Book Sale, Marshall Library, Pocatello
19 Music Adventures with Paige Moore, Public Library, Meridian
20 A Palouse Horse – Celebrating 80 Years of the ApHC: Art Exhibit. Free and open to the public 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM, 3rd Street Gallery, Moscow
20 “Art of Building a Community”, 5:00 PM, Karcher Mall, Nampa
20 Folk Festival, Lava Hot Springs
20-21 Salmon River Jet Boat Races, Riggins
20-21 Indoor Pickleball Tournament: Mountain View Event Center, Pocatello
20-21 4th District High School Rodeo, Bannock County Fairgrounds, Pocatello
20-22 Gem and Mineral Show: Rec Center, Idaho Falls
21 Spring Kickoff: A full day of activities, booths and fun. FREE. Swimming, rock climbing, kayaking, basketball, dance, group cycle class, power pump, ZUMBA, yoga, functional training, art, bowling, tennis, soccer & more, including a Wellness Fair (9:00 AM to 1:00 PM). FREE admission all day 8:00 AM to 7:00 PM.; Rec Center, Nampa
21 Spring Fayre: A market featuring the sales of a variety of handmade goods. Enjoy free coffee and browse edibles, art, woodcraft, fiber goods, accessories, home goods, and much more! 9:00 AM-1:00 PM. Trinity Reformed Church, Moscow
21 Race to Robie Creek, Boise
21 Earth Day Work Day: Celebrate Earth Day by removing litter or noxious weeds or participating in other projects to improve wildlife habitat at the Lake Lowell Unit of the Refuge. When: 9 AM – Noon; Where: Meet at the Visitor Center at 9 AM for orientation. Projects occur all around Lake Lowell. Please register at (208)467.9278, Nampa
21 Showcase 2018: This event offers bands the chance to compete for the chance to play at Moscow’s annual summer event, “Rendezvous in the Park”. $10 admission, $5 for students. 6:30 PM, Kenworthy Theatre, Moscow
21 Earth Day Celebration: Learn about living more sustainably though hands-on activities and crafts for kids. Meet some Wiggly Dudes (worms) and learn how you can start vermicomposting at home. While you’re here, pick up a free yard of City of Boise compost! Make and take a green cleaner and create crafts from recycled objects. Help us plant the Boise Watershed garden and take seeds home for your own garden. A water renewal facility tour will be at 11:30 a.m. weather permitting, closed-toes shoes required, no strollers please. 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM, Boise WaterShed Environmental Education Center, Boise
21-22 Pickin’ Boise Vintage and Artisan Show, Expo Idaho, Boise
23 Home School Days, “Water, Roots and Shoots”: All students will take home vegetable seeds. Learn how a plant grows, design an irrigation system. Children will be grouped by grade levels: PreK-K, 1st-3rd, and 4th-6th and three separate lessons will be offered concurrently. Registration is required at least one week in advance by calling (208) 608.7300 or email [email protected]. 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM, Boise WaterShed Environmental Education Center, Boise
24 Teen Readers: Book club for teens, 13-18; 4:00-5:00 PM, BookPeople, 521 S. Main St., Moscow
24 Drop-in Computer Clinic: All Ages. Drop in for computer or technology help! Hablamos español. Freer. 6-7pm, Public Library, Caldwell
25 Responsible Riders ATV Class: Pre-registration required (idpr.idaho.gov/reced/Home/Search?searchOption=ATV/UTV); 6:00-9:00PM, “Let’s Ride” OHV area, Rupert
25-26 “Macbeth”: The CSI Theater Department, in collaboration with CSI Dance and Music, present a modernization and reimagining of Shakespeare’s most exciting play, “Macbeth”. $10 adults, $5 seniors and students. 7:30 PM, Fine Arts Auditorium, College of Southern Idaho, Twin Falls
27 Magic Valley Symphony Concert, Fine Arts Auditorium, CSI, Twin Falls
27-28 High School Rodeo, American Falls
28 Family Pet Expo, Expo Idaho, Garden City
28 Experience Idaho Expo: Highlights Idaho businesses. Learn how to appreciate all that the Idaho and the Treasure Valley can offer, a true sample of Idaho products & services. Admission: $6 Adults, Kids 6 and Under Free. 9:00AM-5:00PM, Expo Idaho, Garden City
28 4th Annual Syringa Hoe Down: Come enjoy a great night out and support education, at the Natoosi Estate Barn, Bellevue
28 Girls Day Out: 9:00AM-5:00PM, Expo Idaho, Garden City
28 Trees of Idaho: Learn about many of the different species of trees that grow in our area and how to identify them; then caravan out to Phillips Farm Park to put your new skills into practice. $10 resident, $12 non-resident. 12:00 Noon-3:00 PM, Hamilton Indoor Rec Center, Moscow
28 Kids Fun Fest, Expo Idaho, Garden City
28 Money Games: All Ages. In celebration of Money Smart Week, play money-related board games with a librarian or friends! Free. 2:00-3:30pm, Public Library, Caldwell
28 Earth Day Celebration: 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM, Tautphaus Park, Idaho Falls
30 Día de los Niños / Day of the Children: A community fiesta featuring Latino music, dancing, activities for kids, and tasty food. Free books for all the kids! Co-sponsored by Radio Rancho, University of Idaho Extension and Caldwell Library; 3:00-6:00 PM in Serenity Park (11th & Dearborn St.), Caldwell
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