December 2024 Calendar

By Les Tanner
Double-checking with event coordinators about the following locations, dates, and times is recommended.
NOTE: Events for runners are listed in a sidebar near the end of this calendar. Contact the organizers for entry costs and formats of these events, which differ considerably.
Northern Idaho
6 Old Fashioned Christmas Show: Kamiah
6-7 Outdoor European Christmas Market: Coeur d’Alene Elks Lodge #1254-RV Campground, Hayden
6-22 “Need A Little Christmas” Show: Midge and Pepper Smock Family Theatre at the Kroc Center, Coeur d’Alene
7 Elf Workshop: Kamiah
7 Festival of Trees Gala & Live Auction. Take part in this glamorous holiday event hosted at the Hive, 207 N. First Ave. from 5:30 – 10 PM, Sandpoint
7 Festival of Trees: Community Center, Pierce
7 Christmas Light Parade: Kamiah
7 Winter Craft Fair: A rich assortment of crafters and vendors will be on hand. LC State College Campus, Lewiston
7 Winter Market: 1912 Center, Moscow
7 “An Evening with Mrs. Claus”: Kamiah Valley Historical Museum, Kamiah
8 IceClimbers: Ice-skating at the L/C Ice Arena, a Courageous Kids Climbing event, Lewiston
14 Second Saturday Market: 1912 Center, Moscow
21 The Last Minute Shopping Craft Fair: Lions Club, Rathdrum
22 Ice Skating: A Courageous Kids Climbing event. 3:15 – 4:15 PM,
Palouse Ice Rink, Moscow
Southwestern Idaho
1-31 Winter Garden Aglow: Most days during December. Idaho Botanical Garden, Boise
3 Kilroy Coffee Klatch: Meets at 10 AM the first Tuesday of every month and is FREE to any and all veterans! Coffee and breakfast treats. The general public is welcome, but admission rates do apply. Warhawk Air Museum, Nampa
5 First Thursday: 5 – 9 PM, downtown Boise
6-7 Bird Seed Sale: This fundraiser supports the MK Nature Center through the sale of various varieties of premium bird seed, nature-themed gift items, birding guides, children’s books, toys and jewelry. There will be activities for the whole family, as well. MK Nature Center, Boise
6-8 Boise Christmas Show: Santa, delicious food, over 300 vendors.Expo Idaho, Garden City
6-8 Vintage Market Days: Idaho Horse Park, Nampa
7 Museum Work Day: 8 AM. Volunteers Welcome. Lunchtime Seminar (bring your own lunch): Program: Student presentations. Dr. Rochelle Johnson, C of I Environmental Studies Class: “Natural History and Ethics at the Museum.” O.J.Smith Museum of Natural History, The College of Idaho, Caldwell
7 Hip Holiday Craft Market: Hosting more than 30 local artists and others. Downtown Nampa
7 Christmas Market: Sol Invictus Vineyard, Star
7 Christmas Bazaar: Murphy
7-21 Capital City Public Market: SATURDAYS. Experience the local side of Boise.
10 AM – 2 PM, The Grove, Boise
13-15 Teddy Bear Classic: Women’s Gymnastic Competitions, Expo Idaho, Garden City
14 A Tuba Christmas: Mostly traditional Christmas songs performed on non-traditional instruments. Free. Noon in the lobby of the Nampa Public Library. Nampa
14 Jigsaw Puzzle Swap: Free. 11:30 – Noon, Library! at Hillcrest, 5246 W Overland Rd, Boise
14 Harry Potter Festival 2024: Expo Idaho, Garden City
14-15 “A Christmas Story”: Boise Little Theater, Boise
Southern Idaho
2 Lighted Christmas Parade: Floats and vehicles adorned in Christmas lights are breathtaking to view. Burley
7 Filer Holiday Market: Twin Falls County Fairgrounds, Filer
13-14 “The Nutcracker”: $16.00 – $20.00.
7:30 – 9 PM, King Fine Arts Center, Burley
31 Sugar Beet Drop: Kid’s Countdown at
9 PM, Beet Drop at Midnight, Rupert
Central Idaho
7-8 Ketchum Holiday Bazaar: Come shop authentic hand-made artisan gifts from more than 70 artists. Hemingway Elementary School, Ketchum
7-31 Winter Wonderland: The holiday spirit settles over Sun Valley Resort, transforming the Village. Carolers, a Holiday Market, torchlight parades down Dollar Mountain, photo-ops with Santa. Sun Valley
15 Pancake Breakfast; 8 – 10 AM, American Legion Hall, Challis
Eastern Idaho
6 “Joy To the World” featuring Festivals of Light: With ISU Concert Choir and the Camerata Singers, under the direction of Dr. Jeffrey Francom. 7- 10 PM, Stephens Performing Arts Center, ISU Campus, Pocatello
6 First Friday Art Walk: 5 – 8 PM, Historic Downtown Pocatello
7 Toys For Tots Swim Event: Noon -2 PM, Lava Hot Springs
7 Goodbye Hello Craft Show: Mt. View Event Center, Pocatello
10 American Red Cross Blood Drive: Date: 10:00 AM, 1165 E 17th St, Idaho Falls
11 Customer Appreciation Day: All day, Lava Hot Springs
17 “Irish Christmas in America” Concert: 7:30 – 10 PM, Stephens Performing Arts Center , ISU Campus, Pocatello
December Running Events
5,12 Thursday After Work Run, Boise
7 The Santa Run, Coeur d’Alene
7 Holiday Hustle Run, Eagle
12 Ugly Sweater Run, Boise
13 Dizzy Horse Run, Idaho Falls
14 Merry Christmas Run, Boise
14 Christmas Gift Run, Idaho Falls
21 YMCA Christmas Run, Boise
31 New Years Pre-Run, Melba
31 Mission to the Moon Run-Walk, Boise
Purchase Only