February 2016 Calendar

By Ruby Tanner
Dear Readers: in spite of our efforts to ascertain that events listed in our calendar are described accurately, cancellations or changes due to weather, illness of performers, and other such things, although rare, are bound to occur. Double-checking with the event coordinators about locations, dates, and times is always a good idea. Details about many of the following events can be found at idahocalendar.com
1/29-2/7 McCall Winter Carnival, McCall
1 Story Trail Book of the Month-“Over and Under the Snow”: Jim Hall Foothills Learning Center; (208)493-2530, 3188 Sunset Peak Rd, Boise
1 Lemhi Piecemakers: Quilt day; first Monday of the month from 10 to 3 at the American Legion Hall; anyone is welcome, Salmon
1-29 Meet Me Mondays: MONDAYS, Walk about Boise, 5:15 PM, Bandanna Running & Walking, 5th & Main, Boise
1-29 Souper Supper: MONDAYS, 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM, Weekly hot meal served for Free – Open for all; St Charles Catholic Church, Hailey
1,15 Reading at the Refuge Preschool Story Time: First and third Monday of each month at 10 AM and repeating at 2 PM; Preschoolers (and their parents!) are invited to listen to wildlife-related stories and do a related craft or activity; no charge; Deer Flat NWR visitor center, Lake Lowell, Nampa
2 Kilroy Coffee Klatch: Join us on the first Tuesday of every month for coffee and conversation at the Warhawk Air Museum; this event is FREE for ALL veterans and ALL veterans are welcome; 10:00 AM-12:00 noon; Nampa
2,16 Bookmobile: 10:30am – 12:00pm, Bayview Community Center, Bayview
2-23 Terrific Two’s Storytime: TUESDAYS; 10:30am – 11:00am, Portneuf Library, Chubbuck
2-23 Mommy & Me: TUESDAYS; Ages 0-2; Songs, nursery rhymes, stories, and play/socialization; 11:30am – 12:00pm, Portneuf Library, Chubbuck
3 Stretching Your Dollars: 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM; Patricia Romanko Public Library, 121 N 3rd Street, Parma
3 Birding Series with Terry Rich-“What is the overall state of birds worldwide?”: 9:00 to 10:00 am; Free; Jim Hall Foothills Learning Center, 3188 Sunset Peak Rd, Boise
3-24 Pre-School Story Hour: WEDNESDAYS; 10:00AM, Salmon Public Library , Salmon
3-24 Special Needs Storytime: WEDNESDAYS, 3:30pm – 4:00pm, Portneuf Library, Chubbuck
4 4 Singles Meet and Greet: 5:30 p.m. until 7:30 p.m. at the Talus Rock Retreat, Sandpoint
4 First Thursday in Downtown Boise, Boise
4 The Fettuccine Forum: Presentation by Dr. Lisa McClain; thought-provoking stories and discussion of women’s contributions to quality of life and justice in Idaho, past, present, and future; 5:30-7:30pm; free, Boise City Hall, Boise
4-25 Boise Art Museum: THURSDAYS; Ongoing Exhibits; Boise Art Museum, Boise
4-25 Blaine County Chess Club: THURSDAYS, after school; 3:00 PM – 5:30 PM at the Community Campus, Hailey
4-25 TNT for Teens: THURSDAYS; Youth Program, ages 10 and Up; 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM; Here kids meet to play video games; starting in February a craft section will also be added; Hailey Public Library, Hailey
5 Toyota Ski Free Day: The driver of any Toyota, Lexus or Scion to Silver Mountain will receive one FREE lift ticket, Kellogg
5,6,12,13 “Seussical, Jr.”—the Musical: Play performed by the Blackfoot Community Players; Nuart Theater, Blackfoot
5,19 Lego Club: Fun-filled time at the Library; Offered for those ages 8-12; 10:30AM; Come have some fun; Soda Springs Public Library, Soda Springs
5-6 Jackson’s/NB Indoor Invitational: BSU, C of I, and NNU Men’s and Women’s track teams compete; Jackson’s Indoor Track Facility, Ford Sports Center, Nampa
5-6 Mountain States Games: ISU Bengal Men’s and Women’s Track teams compete, Holt Arena, ISU, Pocatello
5-7 Fire and Ice Winter Fest: Comedy Night, Portneuf River Polar Bear Float, Disc Golf Tournament, Chili Cook Off, Kids Games at the Indoor Aquatic Center, Casino Night, Running of the Bulls, and more; (208)776-5500; Lava Hot Springs
5-26 BINGO: FRIDAYS; 6:00 PM; Must be 18 to play, Meridian Senior Center, Meridian
5-26 Storytime: FRIDAYS; 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM; Young Children’s Story Hour program; All ages are welcome to attend with a parent or guardian; Free; Public Library, Hailey
6 George Hill Memorial Snowshoe Volleyball Tournament: Priest Lake
6 Moscow Winter Market, Moscow
6 22nd Annual Daddy Daughter Date Night: 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM, Nampa Rec Center, nampaparksandrecreation.org, Nampa
6 Science and Engineering Festival: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM, College of Engineering; coen.boisestate.edu/STEMExploration, Boise State Campus, Boise
6 CSI Arts On Tour—Marie Josee Lord: 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm, CSI Fine Arts Auditorium, Twin Falls
6 Cabin Fever Reliever: FREE family event at Nampa’s Karcher Mall; one day only, 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM; professional and friendly volunteers introducekids to a healthy day of fun; kidsfirstcast.org, Nampa
6,20 Driggs Winter Farmers Market, Driggs
6-7 U.S. Pacific Coast Championship Sled Dog Races, Priest Lake
9 BYU Idaho Sound Alliance and Vocal Union performs: Marsh Valley Performing Arts Center, Arimo
9 Story Trail Adventure-“Over and Under the Snow”: For children between 3-1/2 and 6 years old and an adult companion; we invite you and your preschooler to join us; we will walk the quarter mile trail and read the book, then head into the Learning Center to do a story-related craft; 10-11 a.m.; the program will happen rain or shine; $3.00/4.65 resident/non-resident fee per student; we can take 12 children with their companions; Call (208)608-7680 to reserve your spot; Jim Hall Foothills Learning Center, 3188 Sunset Peak Rd, Boise
10 “Letters Aloud”: Performed at the Blackfoot Performing Arts Center, Blackfoot
10 Piano Majors recital: 4:30 PM, BYU-I Center Stage, FREE; Snow Recital Hall, BYU-Idaho, Rexburg
10 Sunset Series-DIY Upcycled Valentine Cards: 7-8:30 PM; Fun, Free, Adult Education; Jim Hall Foothills Learning Center, 3188 Sunset Peak Rd, Boise
11 Role Play—Changing Ideas about Gender: FREE Evening Exhibition Tour, 5:30pm to 6:30pm, presented by Sun Valley Center for the Arts, Ketchum
11-14 Treasure Valley Boat Show: Thursday,12-9pm; Friday,12-9pm; Saturday 10am-9pm; Sunday 10am-6pm; Admission is $5.00 for adults, Children 12 and under are free; Center and South Expo Buildings, Idaho Expo, Garden City
12 Kids Kayak: Kids, ages 8-14, come out and get wet while you play on kayaks; It’s free with NRC admission; supervised and a lot of fun (must be able to pass swim test); 7:00pm – 9:00pm, Nampa Rec Center, Nampa
12-14 Canyon County Home and Garden Show: Ford Idaho Center, Nampa
12-21 Winter Carnival, Sandpoint
13 Salmon River snowmobiler’s ball, fun run, and raffle: Mountain Village Resort, Stanley
13 Acoustic Eidolon Concert : 7:00pm, Gem Valley Performing Arts Center, (GVPAC); gemvalleyarts.org, Grace
13 Boise Contra Dance: The dance is smoke and alcohol-free; 8:00 PM – 10:30 PM, Broadway Dance Center, 893 East Boise Av, Boise
13 Senior Cinnamon Roll Sale: Senior Center, Salmon
13 Habitat for Humanity Hearts for Homes Dinner and Auction: Free; 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm, CDA Best Western Inn, 506 West Appleway Avenue,
Coeur d’Alene
13 Second Saturday Series-“Hibernating Hearts”: Free, family friendly, drop in—no pre-registration needed (Please – no pets); 10:00 – 1:00, Jim Hall Foothills Learning Center, 3188 Sunset Peak Rd, Boise
13-14 Boise Golf & Travel Show: Saturday 9am to 5pm; Sunday 10am to 4pm; Admission $12, children 12 and under free; North Expo Building, Expo Idaho, Garden City
13-15 Presidents’ Weekend Celebration: Schweitzer Mountain Resort hosts special activities featuring a Laser Light Show on Sunday with night skiing, Sandpoint
15 Scout Merit Badge Program: Pebble Creek Ski Area, Inkom
16 Small Animal Presentation: If you are wondering what small animals need or are curious on how to take care of them, come and learn all there is to know about the small animals you love from a Zamzow’s expert; All ages are welcome; Free; 4:15 PM – 5:00, Nampa Public Library, Nampa
18 Art a la Carte: Chili Dinner and Art Auction Fundraiser, Department of Art Open Studios; 5:00 – 8:00pm, Fine Arts Building #11, 4th Floor, ISU, Pocatello
18 Let’s Talk About It—We Are What We Eat: This is a free, adult reading and discussion program brought to you by Hailey Public Library and the Idaho Commisssion for Libraries, as well as the Idaho Humanities Council, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM; Public Library. Hailey
18-20 Simplot Games: National High School Track & Field Event, ISU Holt Arena, Pocatello
18-20 Girls State Basketball: Ford Arena, Nampa
19-21 Southern Idaho Home and Garden Show: CSI Expo Center, Twin Falls
20 Free Boat Safety Course: 8:30am – 4:30pm, Hayden
20 Kid’s Day Competition: Pomerelle Mtn Resort; info@pomerelle.com, (208)673-5599, Albion
20 BYU-Idaho Sound Alliance and Vocal Union: an instrumental and vocal concert that entertains and inspires audiences of all ages Time: 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM; Marsh Valley Performing Arts Center, Arimo
20-21 Treasure Valley Flea Market: Expo Idaho,
Garden City
20-22 Seventh Annual Stanley-Sawtooth Winterfest: Multiple locations around Stanley, with events for everyone, Stanley
25 Terri Clark and Aaron Tippin perform: Stephens Performing Arts Center, ISU campus, Pocatello
25 Right Tree, Right Place, & Pruning Techniques Workshop: Learn how to plant, prune and care for your landscape plants; for more information, call Forestry at 468-5748 or visit nampaparks.org; free, but pre-registration is encouraged; 7-9pm, Council Chambers at City Hall, Nampa
26 BYU Folk Dance Ensemble: 7:00 pm, Jewett Auditorium, The College of Idaho, Caldwell
26,27 “Guys & Dolls”: Live performances at the Idaho State University Theatre, Pocatello
26-27 Aspire Dance Pro Competition: Dancers 5 to 18 years old are invited to participate; registration for participants please see aspiredancepro.com; admission is free for all family and visitors; Blackfoot Performing Arts Center, Blackfoot
27 Free-Style Rally at Pebble Creek Ski Area, Inkom
27 Ballroom Dance: Sandpoint’s Chapter of USA Dance, a local ballroom dance club, meets monthly at Sandpoint Community Hall, Sandpoint
27 “Fight for Air” Stair Climb: 8:00 am-11:30 am; participants will climb 32 to 128 floors of stairs; Contact Information: Heather Kimmel (208)345.2216 or hkimmel@lungmtpacific.org; US Bank Building, Boise
27 “Rumpelstiltskin”: Missoula Children’s Theatre presentation, an original adaptation of the classic children’s story, at 2 PM and 7 PM in the Panida Theater, Sandpoint,
27-28 Sixth Annual Sled Dog Rendezvous: A two-day event, with mileage split between Saturday and Sunday; Skijoring will take place over both days, with junior races on Saturday; watch these exuberant dogs and trainers under the backdrop of the Sawtooth Mountains, Stanley
27-28 Idaho Artistry in Wood Show: Wyndham Garden Boise Airport Hotel/Conference Center, Boise
27-28 Winterfest: Hill’s Resort, Priest Lake
27-28 Idaho Gem And Mineral Show: Expo Idaho, Garden City
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