February 2018 Calendar

By Les Tanner
In spite of our efforts to ascertain that events listed in our calendar are described accurately, cancellations or changes due to weather, illness of performers and other such things, although rare, are bound to occur. Double checking with the event coordinators about locations, dates and times is always a good idea.
1 Well-Read Evening Book Club, 6:00-7:30PM at the Well-Read Moose, Coeur d’Alene
1 Four County Art Guild; 12:00-1:00 PM, Public Library, Weiser
1-4 Winter Carnival, McCall
1-17 Hat Trick Reading program: Ages 5-13 are welcome to participate in this reading program. Sign up at the 1st floor information desk. 3 goals, 3 prizes! Visit the Nampa Public Library and check out a book; 20 minutes of reading for 7 days = 1 more Game Ticket; Write an essay or draw a picture of the Steelheads = A Steelheads baseball cap and a free skate day! Public Library, Nampa
1-22 Teen Thursdays: THURSDAYS. Grades 6-12; Free, 4:00 PM, Public Library, Caldwell
1-22 Open Help Sessions: THURSDAYS. Need help with eBooks, eMagazines, etc.? Bring your device and library card. 2-4 PM, Room 203, Public Library, Nampa
1-22 Read to a Therapy Dog: THURSDAYS; All ages, early readers encouraged to attend. Free, 4:00 PM, Public Library, Caldwell
1-22 TNT for Teens: THURSDAYS. kids 10 and up play video games. 4:00-5:00 PM, Public Library, Hailey
1-22 Beginning Snowshoe Adventure for Women: THURSDAYS. This activity is for beginners who want to try their hand at a new recreational activity while getting a chance to see exquisite winter wonderland views of the park. All you need to do is dress in layers and wear snow boots or waterproof hiking boots. Snowshoes will be provided. Fee:$10. Registration required (208-824-5916), 10:00AM to 12:00 Noon, Castle Rocks State Park in Almo.
2-3 Idaho Scrapbook Show, Expo Idaho, Garden City
2-4 Fire & Ice Winterfest: Come, bring the family and celebrate winter with the Portneuf River Polar Bear Float, Running of the Bulls, Kids Water Carnival, Casino Night, Torch Light Parade, Comedy Night, Sub Zero Superhero Endurance Swim and more! Lava Hot Springs
2-3 Missoula Children’s Theatre “Beauty Lou and the Country Beast”: Jewett Auditorium, The College of Idaho Campus, Caldwell
2-23 Tai Chi: FRIDAYS; Exercise program for adults; Free; 10:00 AM, Public Library, Caldwell
2-23 Friday Game Zone: for kids ages 8-17. 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. at he Moscow Public Library, Moscow
3 Swing Junction’s Big Band Dance: This is a community dance held the first Saturday of every month. The 16-piece big band, The Jazz House Big Band, is our house band. We offer an introductory lesson before the dance, no partner is required and beginners are welcome. 8:00 – 11:00 PM, Veteran’s Memorial Building, Idaho Falls
3 Cabin Fever Reliever: This year’s program will be filled with educational and instructional activities for everyone, but mostly designed for kids, and kids at heart! 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Free. Karcher Mall, Nampa
3 Eagle Rock Outlaws Fast-Draw Competition: 10:00 AM-3:00 PM at the Cowboy Fast Draw Club located at 10648 N. 25th E., Idaho Falls.
3 Museum Work Day: Volunteers welcome; 8:00AM; Lunchtime Seminar (bring your own lunch): Dr. Luke Daniels, C of I Biology Department, “Fulbright Experience”; The O.J.Smith Museum of Natural History, Boone Hall, The College of Idaho, Caldwell
3 Winter Market: 1-:00AM to 2:00PM, 1912 Center, Moscow
3,10 Community Bingo: Ages 18+; 6:00-8:00 PM, Senior Citizen’s Center, Idaho Falls
3 Weaving Guild Meeting: 11:30 AM, First Congregational Church, Boise
3-24 Teton Valley Winter Farmers’ Market: Growers, producers, artisans, and small business owners will be selling their goods directly to the consumer. Shop a great variety of seasonal, sustainably-produced goods and support local vendors and farmers.. You’ll find honey, linens, artwork, ceramics, baked goods, prepared foods, eggs, preserves, meat, jewelry and more. 10:00AM to 3:00PM, Driggs
4 Clearwater Grange Annual Bazaar & Craft Fair, Clearwater
4 Eagle’s Breakfast: 7:00 AM – Noon, Eagle’s Hall, Grangeville
4 IOOF & Rebekah “Groundhog Breakfast”, Clearwater
5-26 Baby ‘N Me: MONDAYS. Free. 10:30 (ages 0-1) and 11:00 (ages 1-2), Public Library, Caldwell
5-26 Souper Supper: MONDAYS. Free hot meal, everyone welcome. 5:30 PM, St. Charles Catholic Church, Hailey
5-26 Gaming Mondays: MONDAYS; Ages 9-18; Free; 4:30 PM, Public Library. Caldwell
5-26 Tai Chi: MONDAYS. Exercise program for ages 16 and up, 6:15 PM, Public Library, Caldwell
6 Kilroy Coffee Klatch: 10:00-12:00 at Nampa’s Warhawk Air Museum; FREE for ALL veterans and ALL veterans are welcome; Coffee and breakfast treats are served at no charge.; No RSVP required – just show up; Nampa
6 Computer Clinic Drop In: Drop by the library and get answers to your technology questions. People have the option to bring a device (computer, tablet, e-reader, phone), or they can learn to use software (like email or Facebook) on our computers. If they need help with a particular device, they should bring it along. Open to all ages, 6:30-7:30 PM; Public Library, Caldwell
6 Senior Day: Free admission for seniors (65+) to the Art Museum of Eastern Idaho, Idaho Falls
7 Birding Series: “What is the overall state of birds worldwide?” 9:00-10:00 AM, Jim Hall Foothills Learning Center, 3188 Sunset Peak Rd, Boise
7 After School Fun: For ages 6-11; Crafts, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics), building with LEGOs and other creative projects. Free. 4:30 PM, Public Library, Caldwell
7 Parent Play Date: Special art class for parents to do with their 4- or 5-year-old children; 11:00 AM-12:00 Noon, ARTitorium, Idaho Falls
7 Coloring Club: Drop in and Relax. 7:00-8:30PM, Public Library, Caldwell
7-28 Happier Hour Story Time: WEDNESDAYS, 4:00-5:00 PM, Well-Read Moose, Coeur d’Alene
7-28 Pre-School Story Time: WEDNESDAYS. Ages 2-5; Free; 10:30 AM, Public Library, Caldwell
7-28 Blaine County Chess Club: WEDNESDAYS. Meets after school at the Community Campus, Hailey
8 Thursday Afternoon Read: Join us for a lively book discussion; 2:00-3:00PM, Public Library, Caldwell
8 Teen Thursday: For grades 6 through 12; Focuses on electronics, technology, some crafts, and a monthly Teen Science Café; Free. 4:00 PM, Public Library, Caldwell
8-11 Treasure Valley Boat Show: Expo Idaho, Garden City
9 Idaho Business and Technology Show, The Riverside Hotel, Boise
9,10 World Music Celebration: 7:30 – 9:30pm, Auditorium – Administration Building – Main Campus. Artists TBA. $8 for adults, $5 for students and senior citizens, University of Idaho, Moscow
9-11 Golf and Travel Show: North Expo, Garden City
9-11 Canyon County Home and Garden Show, Ford Idaho Center, Nampa
10 Daddy-Daughter Date Night: Rec Center, Nampa
10 Winter Tracking Workshop: Following an introductory program, participants head outside on a snowshoe tracking adventure through the fields and woods north of town. Ann Christensen has been introducing valley residents and visitors to the secret stories left in the snow for decades. Bring snowshoes, warm clothes, water, and your curiosity. There is a suggested donation of $10/ERC members and $20/non-members. Space is limited, so register today (208-726-4333). 11:00AM – 2:00 PM, Environmental Resource Center, Ketchum
10 Foothills Family Day: “Idaho Explorer Day”. Develop your explorer skills by starting a naturalist journal and learning to identify plants. 10:00 AM-1:00 PM, Jim Hall Foothills Learning Center, 3188 Sunset Peak Rd, Boise
10 Free Boat Safety Class: 9:00AM-4:30PM; (208) 477-2029 for details; Emmett
10 Chinese New Year celebration: All ages welcome. Make a dragon mask, try some New Year snacks, learn a little about Chinese culture. Free. 10:00 AM to Noon, Public Library, Caldwell
10-11 Family Field Trip Weekend: Visitors will see live bird demonstrations, tour the Archives of Falconry, participate in family-friendly crafts and activities, and enjoy spending time outdoors on the scenic interpretive trail. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the World Center for Birds of Prey. Children (16 and younger) will be admitted free of charge. Regular admission rates apply for Adults ($10) and Seniors ($8). As always, members are admitted for free. Boise.
12 Homeschool Day: Youth can learn how much water your body needs and the water composition of different foods, then make a valentine pledge to conserve water. Children will be grouped by grade levels: PreK-K, 1st-3rd, and 4th-6th and three separate lessons will be offered concurrently. 10:00-11:30AM. Registration is required at least one week in advance by calling 208-608-7300 HYPERLINK mailto:[email protected]. Boise WaterShed, 11818 West Joplin Road, Boise
13 Make It! Craft Club: For ages 16 and older. Each month features a different seasonal/holiday project. 7:00 PM, Public Library, Caldwell
13 Story Trail Adventure: “Big Tracks, Little Tracks”; For pre-schoolers and parents. Fee: $3.00; Call 208-608-7680 to register; 10:00 AM, Jim Hall Foothills Learning Center, Boise
14 Home School Day: Intro to Raptors emphasizing Wildlife Conservation. Join your home school community in learning about birds of prey with The Peregrine Fund. During each event, lessons will incorporate the Life Sciences, with special emphases on Adaptations, Habitat, and Wildlife Conservation. We will explore exciting case studies, including the successful recovery of the Peregrine Falcon and our ongoing efforts to save the critically endangered California Condor. Live birds of prey will be featured in each session. Morning session 10:30-12, Interpretive Center open house 12-1; Afternoon session 1:30-3, Interpretive Center open house 3-4. Cost $3 per person. Members and children under 4 admitted free. Pre-registration required at [email protected] or 208-362-8260. World Center for Birds of Prey, Boise
15 Art a la Carte: This event helps the Idaho State University’s Department of Art to raise money for student scholarships and visiting artists. The main event includes a silent auction of art made by students, professors and alumni. Items being auctioned off include jewelry, prints, sculptures and paintings. Join us for free art demonstrations and a children’s activity. There is also an optional chili dinner ($7.00). 5:00-7:00PM, 4th floor, ISU Fine Arts Building, Pocatello
15 What Are You Reading? Book Club: 7:00-8:00PM, Old World Café, Moscow
15-17 American Dog Derby, Ashton
16 “Art of Building a Community”: Karcher Mall, Nampa
16 Norman Foote Comedy: Performing Arts Center, Blackfoot
16-17 Snowmobile Based Avalanche Awareness and Companion Rescue: Presentation designed to familiarize the winter back-country enthusiast with hazard recognition and techniques for safe travel in avalanche terrain. Pre-registration required; (208) 514-2411; Twin Falls
16-18 Southern Idaho Home and Garden Show, CSI Expo Center, Twin Falls
16-25 Sandpoint Winter Carnival, Sandpoint
17 WISCL Chess Tournament: Lowell Scott Middle School, Boise
17 Kids’ Day Competition: Giant Slalom Challenge! Skiers & Boarders 12 years of age & under. Fun Competition Just for Kids! Totally for the THRILL and FUN of it! Open to ALL ABILITIES! “Trophies, Prizes & Fun!” Walk-In Registration 10:00 am – 12:00 pm in the lodge. Racing begins at 1:00! $15 Registration Fee + PLUS a $10 Bib Fee that will be REFUNDED when the bib is returned.. Release waiver must be signed by parents 10:00-4:00 PM, Pomerelle Ski Resort, Albion
17 Family Story Time: 11:00-12:00, Palouse Mall, Moscow
17 Free Boat Safety Class: 8:30AM-4:30PM. Register at (208) 446-2250. Hayden
17 WaterShed Weekend: From 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., we’ll journey back in time when Idaho had erupting volcanoes, prehistoric horses, and sabre-toothed cats. Boise WaterShed, 11818 West Joplin Road, Boise
17 Snowmobile Based Avalanche Awareness and Companion Rescue: Free presentation designed to familiarize the winter back-country enthusiast with hazard recognition and techniques for safe travel in avalanche terrain. Pre-registration required; (208) 769-1511. 9:00AM to 4:00PM, Coeur d’Alene
17-18 Treasure Valley Flea Market, Expo Idaho, Garden City
19 Winter Day Camp for Kids: For children 5-9 years old. Activities include back-country safety, animal track identification and nature in winter. Snowshoes will be provided. Parents/Guardians may register their kids at 208-824-5916; limit:20 children. The registration fee is $10 per child (lunch included.) What to wear: Snow pants, layered outerwear, gloves, and hats. SNOW BOOTS are required. 10:00AM-12:30PM,. Castle Rocks State park, Almo
21-23 Safety Fest of the Great Northwest; North Idaho College Workforce Training Center, Post Falls
22 Teen Science Café: Guest, Dr. D. Fologea, Boise State University. Free event, pizza included. Grades 6-12. 4:00-5:30 PM, Public Library, Caldwell
23 Magic Valley Symphony: CSI Performing Arts Center, Twin Falls
23 Kids’ Night Out: A night out for kids and their parents – kids will get to enjoy games, movies, snacks, and fun while parents can enjoy a few hours doing whatever they want! It’s a win for everyone! $7.00 admission. 6:00-9:00PM. All kids will be supervised by the Eggan Youth Center staff. Moscow
23 Baked Potato Bar Fundraiser: $4 children under 8; all others $6. RSVP: 208-667-4628; Lake City Center, Coeur d’Alene
23-24 Snowmobile Operators Class: This free Idaho Department of Parks and Recreation Responsible Riders course provides a building block style learning environment. Pre-registration required. Check the site https://parksandrecreation.idaho.gov/snowmobile-operators-class-grangeville for details. Grangeville
24 Family Movie, “My Little Pony”: Free, popcorn included, 2:00 PM, Public Library, Caldwell
24 Kids’ Fair: A petting zoo. Face painting. Reptile adventures. Fun and games. This kid-centric fair offers a wide array of entertaining activities for the little ones—and booths for parents to help find their children interesting hobbies and learn about healthy learning. Hours: 10am-6pm ; Admission: $5.00. Expo Idaho, Garden City
24-25 Idaho Gem and Mineral show, Expo Idaho, Garden City
27 State of the City (Caldwell) Address: 4:00 PM, Jewett Auditorium, The College of Idaho, Caldwell
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