Golfing with Grandpa

It’s Only Too Late When It’s Too Late

By Steve Carr

I’ll start playing when I get old,” has been my refrain for thirty-plus years when asked, “Do you golf?” I play tennis (and football with the kids on Thanksgiving). I like being active.

At the risk of offending readers, I’ve always thought of golf as a slow and tedious activity. I enjoy a certain amount of self-satisfaction when I say I am aligned with the poet William Wordsworth, who said, “Golf is a day spent in a round of strenuous idleness.”

Years of social small talk, at every conceivable function, have taught me a few lessons. First, never, and I mean never, ask an Idaho fisherman about his fishing trip. Second and almost as important, don’t engage a golfer about golf—unless the only other available person in the room is a fisherman and you are truly tired of standing by yourself.

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Steve Carr

About Steve Carr

Since you asked, Steve Carr is a recovering attorney, who can be reached at [email protected].

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