Good Will to All

A Resolution
By Marylyn Cork
It is New Year’s Eve or maybe New Year’s Day. By choice, I am alone in my own home. It’s the way I usually start a New Year. It’s good to have the time for a little solitude and introspection.
I try to chart my course for the upcoming 365 days—while being aware of how life has a way of throwing monkey wrenches into the best-laid plans of mice and (wo)men. Still, it’s always good, I think, to have some idea of where one wants to go.
For starters, 2018 was not the most satisfactory year I’ve ever lived through, but it was not the worst either. Having reached the age where people find themselves outliving their contemporaries, I’ve lost too many of mine. I am reminded of the need to touch bases occasionally with those I care about who are getting on in years. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
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