In for a Penny

Trying to Stay Sane in an Insane Time
Story and Photos by Les Tanner
This spring was a scary time, no doubt about it. An uncertain time. When most of the news seemed to be bad. When a person not only wanted to stay home, but was told he must. He couldn’t even go play pickleball.
In such a situation, what does one do to retain what sanity he has left? Yard work? Rearranging the stuff in the silverware drawer? Sorting through the nearly infinite number of things stashed in cabinets and closets? Did that, and a lot more. There were still things to do, of course, but they weren’t more interesting than the other jobs.
Truth be told, life didn’t change that much for me. Oh, I slept later than usual, and I missed pickleball. But I still had to decide what to have for supper. I still had the same live-in companion, Jimmy the cat, who was no more of a conversationalist than he ever was. I still had dishes to wash occasionally. And the living room rug still needed vacuuming.
On the other hand, I found a few things to entertain myself, none of which were very heavy duty.
Such as writing this. Or these things:
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