June 2016 Calendar

By Ruby Tanner
Want to announce your event in IDAHO magazine? Send information to Ruby Tanner. There is no cost or obligation – but the event must be family-oriented and “family-affordable.” All events get a line (date, event, location), and each month we choose several to highlight.
DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS: The first of the month two months prior to the month of the event. Example: deadline for a March event would be January 1. Send details to: [email protected]
June 2016
1-29 Alive After Five: WEDNESDAYS; 5:00 PM, The Grove, Boise
1 “Take Me Fishing” Trailer: 4:00-8:00PM, McDevitt Pond, East McMillan, Boise
1,8 Family Night at Idaho Ice World: 6:30pm to 8:30pm; $5 per person including skate rental; quality entertainment in a safe, fun, family friendly environment that helps support a healthy lifestyle; Boise
1,8 Happier Hour Story Time: FREE, with stories starting at 4:30, at The Well~Read Moose, 2048 North Main, Coeur d’Alene
1-4 TVTAP Bike Week: Celebrates all things bikes in Teton Valley Idaho, Driggs
1-29 Hikin’ Buddies: WEDNESDAYS; The Animal Shelter of the Wood River Valley is sponsoring another year of its popular Hikin’ Buddies program; 9:30 -1:00 pm; all are welcome to take a Shelter dog for a hike, or hang out and socialize some of the smaller dogs and puppies; just bring your family and friends to have a good time with some dogs that would love to meet you, too; meet at Adam’s Gulch, Ketchum
1-29 Revive @ 5 Free Summer Concerts: WEDNESDAYS, 5:00-8:00PM, Old Town Pavilion, Pocatello
1-29 Inland Blood Drive: WEDNESDAYS; 10:00AM-3:00PM, Gritman Medical Center, Moscow
2 “Take Me Fishing” Trailer: 10:00AM-2:00PM, Williams Pond, Boise
2 “Son of the Reptile Man”: Free; sponsored by the city of Moscow, the Moscow Arts Commission, the Friends of Moscow Public Library and Avista; followed by the Moscow Arts Commission Band; 6:00-8:00PM, East City Park, Moscow
2-30 Mother-Daughter Book Club & Books for Boys: THURSDAYS, 6:30PM, Madison Library, Rexburg
3 Spring Serenade Instructors Concert: Presented by the staff of the Music Conservatory; All donations go towards scholarships for Conservatory students; 5 p.m., First Lutheran Church, Sandpoint
3 Orma J. Smith Museum Open: 1:00PM-5:00PM; Free; Boone Hall, The College of Idaho, Caldwell
3 First Friday Art Walk: Old Town Pocatello is alive with crowds of visitors on the first Friday of each month from 5-8pm to view and experience art by local artists as well as regional and national artists, Pocatello
3-4 Classic Car and Motorcycle Show: Cruise In on Friday, Malad
3-4 Hells Canyon Days Festival: A great summer fest with art show, bulls and broncs, museum tour, power fest tractor show, show-&-shine, and much more, Cambridge
3-5 Western Days: City Park, Twin Falls
3-5 Portneuf Valley Muzzleloaders Mountain Man Rendezvous: Take I-15 to Exit 44 and follow the signs, McCammon
3-24 The Comedy Project: FRIDAYS; TCP is an independent, professional improv team; its mission has been to bring laughter and sunshine to the frozen lands of Idaho; they perform every Friday night at 8 at the MP Dance Studio; tickets are $8, or $5 for ISU students, Pocatello
3-25 Star Gaze at Bruneau Dunes: FRIDAYS and SATURDAYS; You’re invited to star gaze at the Bruneau Dunes Observatory; come see the night sky as you’ve never seen it before through the “Obsession” 25-inch Newtonian Reflector telescope; start-time depends upon sunset; bring bug spray, snacks and beverages; Bruneau Dunes State Park, Bruneau
4 “Take Me Fishing” Trailer: 9:30AM-1:30PM, Kiwanis Pond, Lewiston
4 Museum Work Day: Volunteers welcome; Lunchtime Seminar (bring your own lunch): Dr. Julia Sankey–“Giant tusk-toothed Salmon, Galapagos-sized Tortoises, and other extinct wildlife of Central California”; The O.J.Smith Museum of Natural History, Boone Hall, The College of Idaho, Caldwell
4 “Take Me Fishing” Trailer: 8:00-Noon, Kids Pond, Fairfield
4 Meet the Machines: Law enforcement and local businesses bring vehicles (squad cars, tractors, garbage trucks, and similar vehicles that children love) to put on display for the children to see, sit in, and interact with; a great day for kids to interact with machinery and the people who run it; Admission $5 (kids to age 5 are free); 11:00AM – 4:00PM, Lake City High School, Coeur d’Alene
4 Birding Big Day: Seven serious birders are invited to accompany the park superintendent and participate in an all-day effort to locate and identify 100 species of birds within the park’s checklist area; transportation provided, no fee required; the general public is invited to participate with the group at pre-posted times and locations; contact Juanita Jones (208-824-5916); Castle Rocks State Park, Almo
4 Big Water Blowout River Festival: The BIGGEST Whitewater Adventure in Idaho this summer, Riggins
4 “Just for the Hill of It”: Bike Challenge; A Benefit for Syringa Hospital Hospice; race begins at 9:00; Enjoy beautiful scenery as you face the challenging switchbacks of the Old White Bird Grade; All ages welcome; picnic lunch will be provided at Hammer Creek Recreational Park (contributions accepted); White Bird
4 Kiwanis Hero Hustle: Kids 1 mile, 5k, or Duathlon (2-12-2) runs, Burley
4 “Take Me Fishing” Trailer: 10:00AM-2:00PM, Settlers Pond, Meridian
4 Teton Dam Marathon, Rexburg
4 Show & Shine Car Show: Sponsored by Challis Classy Chassis, Challis
4-5 Mini-Cassia Car Show: Cassia County Fairgrounds, Burley
4-5 Outpost Days: Murphy
4-5 SRRSCCA Autocross Racing: Free to spectators; 8:00 AM, Expo Idaho, Garden City
4-5 Camas Prairie Homecoming: Music, kids’ fishing derby on Saturday am, vendors, breakfast on Sunday; City Park, Fairfield
4-25 Portneuf Valley Farmer’s Market: SATURDAYS, 9:00AM-1:00PM, Old Town Pavilion, Pocatello
4-25 Farmer’s Marklet: SATURDAYS; 8:00AM-1:00PM, Main Street and Friendship Square, Moscow
5 Art and Roses; Julia Davis Park, Boise
5-26 Farmer’s Market in the Garden: SUNDAYS, 1:00-3:00PM, Post Falls
5-26 Chess Players Wanted: SUNDAYS; Everyone is welcome to come in for games, either to show or improve your skills or just to hang out and watch some good games; noon to 5:00PM, Schnitzel Garden, Eagle
6 “Take Me Fishing” Trailer: 5:00-8:00PM, Rexburg City Ponds, Rexburg
6 Music in the Park: Free Admission and Ice Cream Social at Tower Park, Cambridge
6 Reading at the Refuge Preschool Story Time: 10:00AM, and repeating at 2:00PM; Preschoolers (and their parents!) are invited to listen to wildlife-related stories and do a related craft or activity; A great way to build interest in reading and a connection with nature, and to meet other parents and kids; Visitors Center, Deer Flat NWR, Lake Lowell, Nampa
7 Kilroy Coffee Klatch: Held on the first Tuesday of every month for coffee and conversation at the Warhawk Air Museum, this event is FREE for ALL veterans and ALL veterans are welcome; 10:00 AM-12:00 noon; Nampa
8-11 Old Fort Boise Days: Old Fort Boise Park, Parma
8-12 Fort Henry Buckskinners Rendezvous, Rexburg
9 Jeff Evans- Magically Ridiculous Game Show: Free; sponsored by the city of Moscow, the Moscow Arts Commission, the Friends of Moscow Public Library and Avista; followed by the Moscow Arts Commission Band; 6:00-8:00PM, East City Park, Moscow
9-10 Soccer Tournament, Rexburg
9-11 Girls All Star Softball Tournament, Soda Springs
9-11 Magic Valley Dairy Days: City Park, Wendell
10 Children’s Art Entry: 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM, Hemming Village, Rexburg
10 “Finding Nemo”: Silver Screen on the Green: Free movie– 8:00-10:00 PM; Optimist Park, Nampa
10-12 World Village Festival: a three day Arts and Humanities event that will be host to several multi-national performing groups representing Idaho’s variety of cultures; free; 4:00pm-10:00pm, 601 West Jefferson Street, Boise
10-24 Henry’s Fork Farmer’s Market: FRIDAYS, Ashton
11 FREE FISHING DAY: Idaho’s Free Fishing Day is an annual event held the second Saturday every June; All anglers, residents and nonresidents, can celebrate the day by fishing Idaho’s waters without a license–and if you’ve never been fishing, Free Fishing Day is a great day to learn; Fish and Game personnel and volunteers set up free events at several local fishing waters throughout the state to help first-timers discover the joys of fishing; all day, Statewide
11 Idaho State Journal Family Fun Day: Free family-oriented event with entertainment for the whole family; OK Ward Park—Brooklyn’s Playground, Pocatello
11 “Take Me Fishing” Trailer: 9:00AM-12:00PM, Spring Valley Reservoir, Troy
11 East Idaho’s Biggest Garage Sale: 7:00 AM – 1:00 PM, Hillcrest High School, Ammon
11 Paint the Town: This NeighborWorks Boise program uses teams of volunteers to provide low-income, senior or disabled residents a newly painted home that enables them to stay in their homes longer and revitalizes the neighborhoods in which they live, Boise
11,25 Farmer’s Market: 9:00-1:00, Rathdrum
12-18 District High School Rodeo: Bannock County Events Center, Pocatello
13 Family Fun Night: Work together as a family to complete an art project: June’s project is “Life is a puzzle”; we will have large puzzle pieces for everyone to paint, color, collage and more, and when you are done, they will fit together many ways to make a family puzzle design; 6-8PM; $12 family of 4, ARTitorium on Broadway, Idaho Falls
14 Certified Equine Massage Therapist and Horse Trainer Jacklynn Matthews Clinic: 6:00-9:00 PM, Nez Perce County Fair Grounds, Lewiston
14-28 Ketch’em Alive: TUESDAYS; The City of Ketchum presents the Ketch’em Alive summer concert series: free concerts at Forest Service Park, every Tuesday through the summer, Ketchum
14-30 Wood River Farmer’s Markets:, 2:00-6:00PM TUESDAYS (Ketchum) & THURSDAYS (Hailey)
15 “Take Me Fishing” Trailer: 8:00-Noon, Dog Creek, Gooding
15 Summer Day Camp for Kids: 9:00AM-3:00PM, Castle Rocks State Park (208-824-5901), Almo
15-18 Gyro Days and Lead Creek Derby, Wallace
15-18 Cherry Festival: City Park, Emmett
16 Eric Herman, Children’s music performer: Free; sponsored by the city of Moscow, the Moscow Arts Commission, the Friends of Moscow Public Library and Avista; followed by the Moscow Arts Commission Band; 6:00-8:00PM, East City Park, Moscow
17 Artwalk–Art Out of Doors: You’re invited to this special Moscow Artwalk 30th anniversary event featuring local artists’ interpretations of art made out of existing doors, visitors and guests will have a chance to place a mininmum bid or buy any door on display, Palouse-Clearwater Environmental Institute, 1040 Rodeo Drive, Moscow
17-18 White Bird Rodeo and Parade: Theme is “There’s No Place Like Home”…grand marshals will be Dick and Susie Brust; the Parade at 11 AM. Rodeo is Friday and Saturday; White Bird
17-18 Car d’lane: Downtown Coeur d’Alene
17-19 Palouse Fiber Festival, Moscow
18 VFW Community Breakfast: 8:00-11:00 AM, VFW Hall; $5 donation, kids under 12 years old are free, Rexburg
18 “Take Me Fishing” Trailer: 9:30AM-1:30PM, Elk River Reservoir, Elk River
18 Idaho Outdoor Recreation Festival: This is a perfect opportunity for folks to learn about and experience Idaho recreation first-hand; 10:00AM-2:00PM, Eagle Island State Park, Eagle
18 Legacy Air Show: Legacy Flight Museum, Rexburg
18-19 CFA Ken Hodges Archery Shoot: CFA Archery Range, Trail Canyon, Soda Springs
19 Father’s Day at the Zoo: Fathers will receive 50% off their admission to Zoo Idaho when they are accompanied by a paid child, Pocatello
19 “Take Me Fishing” Trailer: 9:30AM-1:30PM, Moose Creek Reservoir, Bovill
20 Reading at the Refuge Preschool Story Time: 10:00AM, and repeating at 2:00PM; Preschoolers (and their parents!) are invited to listen to wildlife-related stories and do a related craft or activity; A great way to build interest in reading and a connection with nature and to meet other parents and kids; Visitors Center, Deer Flat NWR, Lake Lowell, Nampa
20-25 National Oldtime Fiddlers Contest: High school and City Park, Weiser
22 “Take Me Fishing” Trailer: 8:00-Noon, Dierkes lake, Twin Fall
22-25 Meridian Dairy Days Festival & Marketplace: Storey Park, Meridian
23 “Charles the Clown”: Free; sponsored by the city of Moscow, the Moscow Arts Commission, the Friends of Moscow Public Library and Avista; followed by the Moscow Arts Commission Band; 6:00-8:00PM, East City Park, Moscow
24 “Kung Fu Panda 3”: Silver Screen on the Green, Free movie; 8:00-10:00 PM; Optimist Park, Nampa
24-25 Hwy 30 Music Fest: Twin Falls County Fairgrounds at the Caboose Stage, Filer
24-25 Valley Bluegrass Festival: Nez Perce County Fairgrounds, Lewiston
24-25 Daniel Dopps Memorial Rodeo: The purpose of this rodeo is to raise money for charitable donations within the community of Mountain Home, Elmore County and the State of Idaho; Mountain Home
24-26 Malad Valley Welsh Festival: This annual event celebrates the rich Welsh heritage that has contributed to the quality of life in the settlement of this beautiful valley, Malad
24-26 Highway 21 Flea Market: Tom’s Service Parking Lot, Idaho City
25 Idaho Music & Wildflower Festival: Pebble Creek Ski Area, Inkom
25 King Mountain Car Show: Moore City Park, Moore
25 June Picnic: This year’s theme is “Country Living, Past and Present”; Parade starts at 9AM; Food vendors and games; Craigmont
26 “7B” Sunday: Celebrate Summer at Schweitzer Mountain; Sample the best of Bonner County in one place, then enjoy FREE lift rides and FREE live music 11am-5pm, Sandpoint
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