June 2019 Calendar

By Les Tanner
In spite of our efforts to ascertain that events listed in our calendar are described accurately, cancellations or changes due to weather, illness of performers, and other such things, although rare, are bound to occur. Double checking with the event coordinators about locations, dates and times is always a good idea. Details about many of the following events can be found at idahocalendar.com
8 Free Fishing Day
Northern Idaho
5/31-6/1 Hells Canyon Days: Washington County Fairgrounds, Cambridge
1 Long Camp 4th Annual “Classics on the Clearwater”, Kamiah
1-2 Hells Canyon Art Show: Public Library, Cambridge
1-29 Farmer’s Market: SATURDAYS. 8:00 AM-1:00 PM, Downtown Moscow
3 Idaho Fish & Game “Take Me Fishing Trailer”: Great for kids and parents. No license required for people who register at the trailer. Equipment and help furnished. 4:00-7:00, Mann Lake, Lewiston
4 Idaho Fish & Game “Take Me Fishing Trailer”: Great for kids and parents. No license required for people who register at the trailer. Equipment and help furnished. 3:00-6:00, Jewel Lake, Bonner County
5-26 Happier Hour Story Time: WEDNESDAYS. Starts at 4pm with stories starting at 4:30; Well-Read Moose, Coeur d’Alene
6 “Big Water Blowout River Festival & Retreat”, Riggins
6-27 Entertainment in the Park for Kids: THURSDAYS. Free. 6:00-7:00 PM, East City Park, Moscow
6-27 Music in the Park: THURSDAYS. Free. 7:00-8:00 PM, East City Park, Moscow
7 Family Day in the Park: Includes Fancy Flea Market, and Foodie Fest: Free; 12:00 Noon – 6:30 PM, City Park and Independence Point, Coeur D’Alene
8 Free Fishing Day
8-29 Long Camp Farmer’s Market: Saturdays, Kamiah/Kooskia
8 Idaho Fish & Game “Take Me Fishing Trailer”: Great for kids and parents. No license required: It’s Free Fishing Day. Equipment and help furnished. 9:00-Noon, Spring Valley Reservoir, Troy
9-11 Goldwing State Motorcycle Rally, Kamiah
14-16 Chief Joseph Warrior Memorial Pow Wow, Lapwai
14-16 White Bird Days & Rodeo, White Bird
15 Challenge of Champions: Annual bull riding and barrel racing contest at the Bonner County Fairgrounds, Sandpoint
15 SRAG’S Art Show and Sale: 8:00-3:00 PM, White Bird
22 2nd Annual DOGFEST NORTH IDAHO: “Give a Dog a Job” benefitting Canine Companions for Independence and the mission of providing highly trained assistance dogs to people with disabilities….free of charge! Grab a leash and bring your dog, family and friends to this fun, community event and festival… all for the love of dogs! Enjoy crazy canine games, contests, dog demos, inspiring speakers, music, food and great fun! 9:45 AM-2:00 PM, Forrest Bird Charter School, Sandpoint
22 Community Picnic, Craigmont
22 Family Walks for Clearwater County: No Charge to participate. All ages and fitness levels welcome. Registration at City Park, 8:30 AM, walk begins at 9:00. Orofino
28 Baked Potato Bar: Traditional Delicious Idaho Baked Potato with “The works!” Cheese Sauce, Bacon, Broccoli, Sauteed mushrooms, chives & more. $6 adults, $4 for children under 8. 4:30-6:00 PM, Lake City Center, Coeur d’Alene
28 ArtWalk Opening Receptions: The 42nd annual revolving art exhibit starting with Friday evening opening receptions from 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. at 20-plus downtown galleries. Sandpoint
Southwest Idaho
1-29 Saturday Market: SATURDAYS,9:00 AM-2:00 PM, Heritage Park, Eagle
1-7/31 Summer Reading Program: Read, log your reading time, and win prizes. All ages, Public Library, Caldwell
1 Idaho Baby Palooza: Products and services for maternity, and baby and toddler, speakers, door prizes, educational seminars, and demonstrations. Free admission. Hours: 10am-5pm, Expo Idaho, Garden City
1 Museum Work Day: Volunteers welcome; 8:00AM; Lunchtime Seminar (bring your own lunch): Speaker: Howard Emry, “Oligocene Fossil Flora in Creede, Colorado”. O.J.Smith Museum of Natural History, Boone Hall, The College of Idaho, Caldwell
1 38th Annual Greek Food Festival: 11:00 AM, Saints Constantine and Helen Greek Orthodox Church, Boise
1 Idaho Fish & Game “Take Me Fishing Trailer”: Great for kids and parents. No license required for people who register at the trailer. Equipment and help furnished. 10:00 AM-2:00 PM, Mill Pond, Horseshoe Bend
1-2 Outpost Days: Owyhee County Museum, Murphy
2 Art and Roses 2019: Local artists will be displaying and selling original pieces of art. There will be food vendors and music, too. A portion of all sales will be donated to support the park’s rose garden. Admission is FREE. 1:00 AM. Julia Davis Park, Boise
4 Kilroy Koffee Klatch: 10:00-12:00 at Nampa’s Warhawk Air Museum; FREE for ALL veterans and ALL veterans are welcome; Coffee and breakfast treats are served at no charge. No RSVP required – just show up; Nampa
5 Boise Birding Series, “Bird Identification, II”: A second round of identifying more of the common birds coming through Hulls Gulch. There will be a short talk but most of the time will be spent outside birding. Free. 8:00-9:00 AM, Foothills Learning Center, Boise
5-26 Alive After Five Summer Concert Series: WEDNESDAYS. 5-8:00 PM, Downtown Boise
8 Old Fort Boise Days: Aa day full of family fun activities: Parade, Car Show, Live Music, Food Vendors, Old Fort Boise Tours, Kiddie Carnival Rides and Games, Art/Quilt Show, Petting Zoo, Giant Slip and Slide, and much more. Parma
8 Free Fishing Day
8 Family Fun Day: Free. A kids’ Fishing Derby, a Color Fun Run, a Chalk Art Contest, and many more activities. Coincides with IF&G Free Fishing Day, so no licenses required. 9:00 AM to Noon, Whittenberger and Rotary Pond Parks, Caldwell
8 Idaho Fish & Game “Take Me Fishing Trailer”: Great for kids and parents. No license required for people who register at the trailer. Equipment and help furnished. 9:00-1:00, McDevitt Pond, East McMillan, Boise
12-22 National Oldtime Fiddler’s Contest and Festival: Weiser High School and Memorial Park, Weiser
13-8/8 Fitness in the Park-Family Bootcamp: Join certified instructors outside at the amphitheater in Lakeview Park or at Lincoln Park in Lions Park for a variety of FREE family fitness activities! 8:30-9:15am. Nampa
14 Food Trucks on Flag Day: This event will include family-friendly carnival-style games and activities, entertainment, vendor booths and, of course, fabulous food trucks. All proceeds benefit the Nampa Recreation Center Scholarship Program. 4:30-8:30pm, Nampa Rec Center backyard, Nampa
14-15 Truck Pull/Demolition Derby: Gem County Fairgrounds, Emmett
15 Dads and Donuts: All ages. Celebrate your dads and grandpas with a craft and a snack. 11:00-12:00 Noon, Public Library, Caldwell
17,18 Idaho Fish & Game “Take Me Fishing Trailer”: Great for kids and parents. No license required for people who register at the trailer. Equipment and help furnished. 9:00-Noon, Sego Prairie Pond, Kuna
18 Book Signing: Carolyn White , author of the books Bricks Underneath a Hoop Skirt and Trucks are for Girls, which have Idaho settings, will be autographing her books at the Rediscovered Books store, Boise
19-22 Meridian Dairy Days Festival: Storey Park, Meridian
28-30 Highway 21 Flea Market: Tom’s Service Parking Lot down town, Idaho City
Central Idaho
1 Spank Martiny Memorial Broncs and Bulls: North Custer Rodeo Grounds, Challis
1 Show & Shine Car Show, Challis
2 Camas Lily Day: Festivities start at City Park at 10:00, Kids Fishing Derby will be at Kids Pond at 7:00 AM (1 Mile West of Town), Fairfield
7-8 Outlaw Days: An opportunity to celebrate friends, family, local businesses, ranching, farming and the small town way of life. Community Breakfast, Parade, Rodeo and Kids Events, Mud Bog races, Street Dance and Bull Riding. Friday, 5:00 PM – 12:00 AM; Saturday, 10:00 AM – 11:30 PM. Richfield
8 Free Fishing Day
16 American Legion Breakfast: 8:00-10:00 AM, American Legion Hall, Challis
21-23 Mackay Rodeo, Mackay
23 King Mountain Car Show: Cars, trucks, motorcycles, antique farm equipment displays and demonstrations, kids entertainment and more. Free. 8:00 AM-4:00 PM, City Park, Moore
28-7/1 Sun Valley Wellness Festival: Sun Valley Inn and Sun Valley Community School, Sun Valley
29-7/4 Salmon River Days, Salmon
Eastern Idaho
1 Classic Car & Bike Show: This event is open to all-year custom and restored vehicles. Free spectator admission. 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM, Malad
1-2 Twin Falls Western Days: City Park, Twin Falls
4 Idaho Fish & Game “Take Me Fishing Trailer”: Great for kids and parents. No license required for people who register at the trailer. Equipment and help furnished. 5:00-8:00, Edson Fichter Pond, Pocatello
6-8 Magic Valley Dairy Days: A celebration of the importance and impact of the dairy industry. City Park, Wendell
8 Family Fun Day: Idaho State Journal FREE Family Fun Day event in Pocatello. Activities include a fly-in by the Portneuf Air Rescue Helicopter, Smokey the Bear, Star Wars, Fun Run, paddle boards, FREE fishing day, Bouncy houses, train ride, climbing wall, and more. Pocatello
8 Live History Day: Sponsored by The Jerome County Historical Society, Jerome
8 Free Fishing Day
8 Oldies Rod & Custom Car Show & Swap Meet: 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM, Old Town Pocatello
8 Grand Opening, Oregon Trail Center: 9:00 AM- 8:00 PM, Montpelier
8-15 Idaho High School Rodeo State Finals: The Idaho High School Rodeo State Finals feature Idaho’s best young cowboys and cowgirls participating in Bareback Riding, Saddle Broncs, Bull Riding, Calf Roping, Steer Wrestling, Barrel Racing and more! 8:00 AM, Bannock County Event Center, Pocatello
11 Idaho Fish & Game “Take Me Fishing Trailer”: Great for kids and parents. No license required for people who register at the trailer. Equipment and help furnished. 5:00-8:00, Blacktail at Ririe Reservoir, Ririe
15 Car Racing: 6:00 PM, Pocatello Raceway, Pocatello
15 Demolition Derby: Sponsored by the Preston Elks. 7:00-9:00 PM, Franklin County Fair Grounds, Preston
15-16 Pizza’s Run Car Show: Beautiful vintage cars, trucks and hot rods. Soda Springs
16 Ashton Summer Artisan/Craft Market: Visitors Center, Ashton
18 El Korah Shrine Circus: Bannock County Events Center, Pocatello
20-22 Hwy 30 Music Fest: Twin Falls County Fairgrounds at the caboose stage, Filer
25 Idaho Fish & Game “Take Me Fishing Trailer”: Great for kids and parents. No license required for people who register at the trailer. Equipment and help furnished. 5:00-8:00 PM, Sand Creek Pond #4, St. Anthony
27-29 Celebrate Blackfoot: Sprint Boat Races, Car Show, Blackfoot Ranch Rodeo, Pancake feed, fun vendors, Ping Pong, and more. Jensen Grove Park, Blackfoot
27-30 Idaho Days: A celebration of IDAHO! Fun Run, Breakfast, Parade, History, Candy Cannon, and much more. Held in Idaho’s oldest town, Franklin
28-30 Malad Valley Welsh Festival: Events include Welsh history and culture, games, quilt and photography shows, wagon tours, a community breakfast, music performances, Welsh dancing and Celtic bands and more. Malad
29 Food Fest: 2:00 PM – 7:00 PM, Old Town, Pocatello
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