Letters to the Editor
Moscow Memory
Dear Editor:
I just read Alice Schenk’s story “The Twelve Daze” in the December 2020 issue of IDAHO magazine and it took me back seventeen years, to the Christmas after my husband died when we lived in Moscow. For twelve days, twelve different “elves” left gifts of the Twelve Days of Christmas on our doorstep, always without us seeing them. That year was a hard Christmas for me and my four children, but those gifts were an affirmation that we were loved. The elves revealed themselves at the end, and we were so grateful for friends and the love they shared that Christmas.
Many thanks for all the stories in the magazine!
Claire Veseth
Happy Reader
Dear Editor,
My grandma is a ninety-three-year old Idaho native and she lives for your magazine. She reads and rereads them throughout the month and then shares them with family and friends. Every time I talk to her on the phone she is telling me about things she read in the IDAHO magazine! So tell everyone that makes the magazine possible “thank you” for making my grandma happy.
Sarah Bruce
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