March 2018 Calendar

By Les Tanner
In spite of our efforts to ascertain that events listed in our calendar are described accurately, cancellations or changes due to weather, illness of performers and other such things, although rare, are bound to occur. Double checking with the event coordinators about locations, dates and times is always a good idea.
1 Grand Opening, Roller Skating: Treasure Valley Skate, 4712 W. State, Boise
1-4 Idaho Sportsman Show: There will be plenty of gear, guides and outfitters, RVs-boats-ATVs, and much more. Kid’s activities will include an elk calling contest, kid’s archery shoot, hunter education trailer, fish and game’s bear trailer. Hours: Thu-Fri 5-9pm, Sat 11am-9pm, Sun 11am-5pm; Expo Idaho, Garden City
1-12 “Portals”: Solo exhibition of 14 major landscape paintings by Rachel Teannalach; M-F, 9am-5pm, second floor of Northwest Nazarene University’s Brandt Center, Nampa
1-29 TNT for Teens: THURSDAYS; TNT for Teens happens every Thursday from 4-5 PM. Here kids 10 and up meet to play video games, Public Library, Hailey.
1-31 Steelhead Derby, Challis
1-31 Champions & Chairlifts: The new exhibit showcases local ski history, including ski fashion, equipment trends, the ski school, and racing accomplishments. Hours: Wednesday – Saturday, 1 – 5 p.m. Admission is free! Sun Valley Museum of History, 180 First Street, Ketchum
2 Family Game Night: Join us for an evening of adventure with an assortment of board games for all ages. Free to current ISU students with ID / $3 Faculty & Staff / $5 Public; 5:30 – 7pm, Wood River Room, ISU campus, Pocatello
2-3,9-10 Hockey: Sun Valley Suns; 7:00 PM, Champion Ice House, Hailey
2-18 “Leading Ladies”: Play; Sixth Street Melodrama and Theatre, Wallace
2-30 Friday Game Zone: FRIDAYS, for kids ages 8-17. 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. at the Public Library, Moscow
2-30 Story Time: WEDNESDAYS and FRIDAYS. Books and crafts designated for children ages of 2- 4 will be available during story time. All ages are welcome. 10:30AM-12:30PM, Public Library, Hailey
3 Snowmobile Races: Pebble Creek Ski Area, Inkom
3 Organic Gardening Class: Free and open to the public! 10:00 AM, Room 211, CHE Building, University Place, Idaho Falls
3 Winter Market: 1-:00AM to 2:00PM, 1912 Center, Moscow
3 “Tie” Demo: Each year Jimmy’s All Seasons Angler features this winter-time fly-tying event.. Bring your fly tying questions. We have fly tiers on our staff with enough experience to answer any question you may have on materials, equipment, technique, and presentation. This event is free of charge, and the public is welcome. Idaho Falls
3 Kamiah Senior Center Chili Feed, Kamiah
3 Museum Work Day: Volunteers welcome; 8:00AM; Lunchtime Seminar (bring your own lunch): Nate Carpenter, OJSMNH, “Status of the Evans Gem and Mineral Collection”; The O.J.Smith Museum of Natural History, Boone Hall, The College of Idaho, Caldwell
3 Teton Valley Farmers Market, Driggs
3 Starlight Snowshoe Benefit: Snowshoe under the stars. $16 per adult, $11 per child (under 12), or $53 per immediate family. Cost includes use of snowshoes, dinner buffet and entertainment. All proceeds go directly to JDRF to fund research for a cure, better treatments, and prevention methods for type 1 diabetes. 4:00-9:00PM, Nordic Lodge, Bogus Basin, Boise
3 ISU Faculty Recital: 7:30 pm – 11:00 pm, Jensen Grand Concert Hall, Stephens Performing Arts Center at Idaho State University, Pocatello
3 Free Family Day: This event provides opportunities for multiple generations to explore art and ideas together, inspired by the visual arts exhibition, This Land is Whose Land? 3:00 – 5:00 PM at The Center, Ketchum
3 Meridian Firefighter’s Chili Cook-Off: The cook-off benefits the Meridian Fire Honor Guard, Meridian Pipes and Drums and the Local 4627 Benevolent Fund. Only $5.00 Admission! Prizes and Awards for competitors. 11:00AM-3:00PM, Meridian Speedway, Meridian
3-4 Spring Gun Show; Mountain View Event Center, Pocatello
3-4 Sawtooth Ski Festival, Stanley
3-4/3 Retrospective: John Winegarner at the Mad Dog Gallery, Challis
5 Souper Supper: Free hot meal, everyone welcome. 5:30 PM, St. Charles Catholic Church, Hailey
5 Board Game Monday: Monthly event for ages 9-18. Challenge your friends to a friendly game of Yahtzee or Uno! 4:30 PM, Public Library, Caldwell
5 Annual Sausage Breakfast Feed, Reubens
6 Kilroy Coffee Klatch: 10:00-12:00 at Nampa’s Warhawk Air Museum; FREE for ALL veterans and ALL veterans are welcome; Coffee and breakfast treats are served at no charge. No RSVP required – just show up; Nampa
6 Crochet Night: For beginning to intermediate crocheters (ages 10+) – learn the basics or just something new! Materials and snacks provided. Free. 6:30-8:00 PM, Public Library, Caldwell
7 Coloring Club: Listen to a great book while coloring with friends, for ages 14+. 7:00 PM, Public Library, Caldwell
7 Fruit Tree Pruning Class: FREE; 6:00-8:30 PM, Boise Public Library, Boise
7-28 Citizenship Classes: WEDNESDAYS. FREE; Nampa Public Library, Nampa
8 “TBD–To Be Devised”: An original theatrical work by Flying Bobcat Theatrical Laboratory, created specifically for the CSI Stage Door Series. CSI Fine Arts Auditorium, Twin Falls
8 Meet the Author: Gary Schmidt, Newbery Honor-winning author of “Wednesday Wars.” Free program; ages 12+. 7:00-8:00 PM, Public Library, Caldwell
9 Gallery Walk: Exhibition opening, free to the public. Locals and visitors alike take in a thought-provoking exhibition of newly installed art. Mingle with friends, and often meet the artists; 5:00-8:00PM, Ketchum
9-11 NIBCA Home and Garden Show, Kootenai County Fairgrounds, Coeur d’Alene
10 Spring Sports Madness: Moms and sons, it is your turn to spend some time one on one. Basketball, Dodgeball, fun games, prizes, a photo booth and more. All participants are encouraged to wear your favorite sports team gear. Don’t miss this great opportunity to connect with your son, take part in several different competitions and make lasting memories! 7:30 – 9 pm. NRC Member $8, Non-Member $10. Rec Center, Nampa
10 Square & Contra Dance: A family-friendly dancing event that is an activity for all ages. Singles and beginners are welcome. $10 for adults, $15/family, young kids free. 7:00-9:15 PM, with optional potluck supper at 5:30. Grange Hall, Hailey
10 Pioneer Party: All ages. Featuring activities from “Little House in the Big Woods,” by Laura Ingalls Wilder. Special guest: Ellen Landreth, who re-enacts Laura. Free program, 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM, Public Library, Caldwell
10 Sing Along With Don Ritchey: 12:30 PM, Library District, Meridian
10 Winter Bird Walk: Presented by the Environmental Resource Center; Suggested Donation: $10 ERC member, $20, non-member. (208)726-4333 to register. 11:AM-2:PM, Draper Preserve, Hailey
10-11 Model Train Show: 12:00 PM, Library! At Bown Crossing, Boise
10-11 Magic Valley Gem Club Show, Filer
10-11 Spring Gun Show, Nez Perce County Fairgrounds, Lewiston
12,17 Bilingual Story Time: Come enjoy our bilingual stories, songs, and fun! Storytime will be in English and Spanish. All families with children of all ages are welcome.10:15-11:00; Public Library, Nampa
15 Teen Science Café: Free. Grades 6-12 4:00 to 5:30 PM. What’s a science café? Check the site Public Library, Caldwell
15 Homeschool Day, World Center for Birds of Prey, Boise
16-17 State Cheer Championships: Ford Idaho Center, Nampa
16-17 Chrome in the Dome: Car show, ISU, Pocatello
17 Family Story Time: 11:00 AM to Noon, Palouse Mall, W. Pullman Road, Moscow
17 Food Truck Rally Goes to the Dogs: Grab your family, friends, and your dogs and come out to experience a truly unique setting for a great cause. FREE (food & drinks available for purchase) All proceeds support the continued development of Nampa’s Amity Dog Park as well as to help fund a second dog park in Nampa.. 2:00–6:00 PM, Lloyd Square Park, Downtown Nampa
17 Family Movie: All ages. Free event; popcorn provided. 2:00 PM, Public Library, Caldwell
17 Teen Human Rights Symposium: The 2018 Regional Teen Human Rights Symposium will provide a full-day of human rights education to secondary students ages 13-19 (some exceptions made) and interested in deepening their understanding of human rights history and humanitarian issues today. 8:00 am – 4:00 pm, Human Rights Education Institute, Coeur d’Alene
17 Ft. Boise Highland Games and 5K Fell Race, Old Fort Boise, Parma
17 Kings of Dance–Lezginka: A performance of traditional folk songs and dances, awesome acrobatics, sumptuous costumes, and riveting drum and saber work. Features 44 dancers in a broad variety of traditional, virtuosic, and modern dances reflecting the many cultures that make up the Dagestan region of Russia. 7:30-9:30PM, CSI Fine Arts Auditorium, Twin Falls
17 Western Idaho Scholastic Chess Tournament, Meridian
17 Scout Saturday, 10:00 AM, World Center for Birds of Prey, Boise
17-18 Gun Show, Best Western Inn. Burley
18 Galena Loppet: Fun, free perimeter ski tour around the Galena Lodge Trails. There are doughnuts and goodies along the trail! Skate or Classic skiing is fine and costumes are always fun. Kick off is 10am at Galena Lodge, Ketchum
19 American Legion Breakfast, Challis
19 “Idaho’s Bumblebees”: Lecture by Idaho Fish & Game Department’s biologist Ross Winton, who will share information about these important insects and discuss citizen science opportunities available to help conserve them. Free and open to the public; 6:30-8:00 PM, MK Nature Center, 600 S. Walnut Street, Boise
20-24 Ag Week, Challis
21 Reverse Job Fair: High school students present themselves to business professionals. They come prepared to interview with a resume, cover letter, and presentation board. The professionals evaluate each student and feedback is given to the instructors, which is shared with the students. The event is free, and takes place from 11:00-1:00 PM at Real Life Ministries, Post Falls
21 Nampa Bookworms Book Club: 10:15-11:45AM, Public Library, Nampa
21-25 Idaho Cutting Horse Association, Spring LAE & weekend show, Ford Idaho Horse Park, Nampa
22 Raising Backyard Chickens: Learn how to get started with chickens – in small to large places! (Sponsored by D&B Supply). Free. 7:00 PM, Public Library, Caldwell
22-24 Spring Fair, Pocatello
23 Kids’ Night Out: A night out for kids and their parents – kids will get to enjoy games, movies, snacks, and fun while parents can enjoy a few hours doing whatever they want! It’s a win for everyone! All kids will be supervised by the Eggan Youth Center staff. 6:00-9:00PM, Eggan Youth Center, Moscow.
23-24 Vintage Market, Kootenai County Fairgrounds, Coeur d’Alene
23-25 Flower and Garden Show, Boise
24 Pebble Creek Monster Dummy Jump: Cruise your dummies mounted on skis or snowboard down the hill with a jump at the end! Judging will be based on style, big air, staying on course, staying intact and closeness to a target. The chief judge will be voting for the Peoples’ Choice Award. Pebble Creek Ski Area, Inkom
24-25 Post Falls Gun Show, Greyhound Park and Event Center, Post Falls
24-25 Treasure Valley Spring Flea Market, Expo Idaho, Garden City
24-25 Amasoil Arenacross, Ford Idaho Center, Nampa
30 ISU Jazz Bands in Concert: 7:30 pm – 11:00 pm, Jensen Grand Concert Hall, Stephens Performing Arts Center, ISU Campus, Pocatello
30 Education Career Fair: One-day event showcases job descriptions, job prospects, career opportunities and training in the fields of hotel management. Idaho State University Holt Arena, Pocatello
30 Book Club: All are welcome! Share titles with others. Learn about great books and authors. Bring your own coffee–treats provided, Chapter One Bookstore, Ketchum
31 Lions Easter Egg Hunt, Kamiah
31 Flashlight Easter Egg Hunt: Join the Nampa Parks & Recreation Department for our annual Flashlight Easter Egg Hunt on the grounds of the Nampa Rec Center. Bring your own flashlight and search for every last egg. Ages 13-17. 8:00-9:30PM, Nampa Rec Center Backyard. $3 per person. Rec Center, Nampa
31 Idaho Easter Spring Fling Extravaganza, Expo Idaho, Garden City
31 Steelhead Ball, Challis
31 Easter Egg Swim: Families, come enjoy a new way of hunting Easter Eggs while you swim. We will have sinkable and floatable eggs. Our kayaks will be out for use and the diving well will be open for play time. (Children will be required to pass a swim test before using the kayak or diving well). Ages 5 and under, 1:00PM; Ages 6-8, 1:30PM; Ages 9-12, 2:00PM. Cost: NRC Member Free, Non-Member Day Pass Rate. Rec Center, Nampa
31 SAB Spring Bazaar, ISU Ballroom, Pocatello
31 Easter Egg Hunts: Check the following Web site for specific dates, times, and towns for this year’s Easter Egg Hunts.
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