May 2018 Calendar

By Les Tanner
Cancellations or changes due to weather, illness of performers, and other such things, although rare, are bound to occur. Double-checking with the event coordinators about locations, dates and times is always a good idea.
TBA Wacky Tacky Tea Party Celebration, Clayton
1 Registration for Idaho Senior Games opens. The Idaho Senior Games, now in its 29th year, will be held in August 2018 at various sites throughout the Treasure Valley. Check the site
1 Symphonic Band Concert, 7:30 PM, CSI Fine Arts Auditorium, Twin Falls
1 Kilroy Coffee Klatch: 10:00-12:00 at Nampa’s Warhawk Air Museum; FREE for ALL veterans and ALL veterans are welcome; Coffee and breakfast treats are served at no charge.; No RSVP required – just show up; Nampa
1-31 “The Incredible Horse”: Exhibit, Idaho Museum of Natural History, ISU campus, Pocatello
2 Idaho Fish & Game’s “Take Me Fishing” Trailer: 4:00-8:00PM, Esther Simplot Park Pond, Boise
2 Birding Series: The focus will be on identifying the most common birds coming through Hull’s Gulch using both visual and aural clues.8-9:00AM,, Foothills Learning Center, 3188 Sunset Peak Road, Boise
2-3 “Macbeth”: The CSI Theater Department, in collaboration with CSI Dance and Music, present a modernization and reimagining of Shakespeare’s most exciting play, “Macbeth”. $10 adults, $5 seniors and students. 7:30 PM, Fine Arts Auditorium, College of Southern Idaho, Twin Falls
2-30 Youth 4H Archery: WEDNESDAYS. Ages 8-18 welcome. Must register at the Bonneville Country 4H Extension Office; $5 each week with or without equipment per person (equipment is available for use and is included in the $5 fee). 4:00PM, Archery Idaho, Idaho Falls
2-30 Happier Hour Story Time: WEDNESDAYS; 4:30 PM, Well-Read Moose, Coeur d’Alene
3 Archeology Day, Land of the Yankee Fork State Park, Challis
3 Art Display: All entries in April’s Kid’s Art Contest will be on display from 5-8pm at ARTitorium. The event is free to the public. Idaho Falls
3 Idaho Fish & Game’s “Take Me Fishing” Trailer: 4:00-8:00PM, Wilson Pond, South Powerline, Nampa
3 Responsible Riders ATV Class: Pre-registration required (; 6:00-9:00PM, Airport OHV area, Soda Springs
3 Well-Read Evening Book Club, 6:00 PM, Well-Read Moose, Coeur d’Alene
4 “An Evening of Dance”: Enjoy collegiate concert dance in the Magic Valley at its finest! 7:30PM, CSI Fine Arts Auditorium, Twin Falls
4-5 Writers Conference, Centre on the Grove, Boise
4-5 High School Rodeo, Fairgrounds, American Falls
5-6 Gold and Treasure Show, Expo Idaho, Garden City
5-6 Riggins Rodeo, Riggins
5 Idaho Fish & Game’s “Take Me Fishing” Trailer: 10:00-2:00PM, Weiser Pond, Weiser
5 Idaho Fish & Game’s “Take Me Fishing” Trailer: 9:30AM-1:30PM, Mann Lake, Lewiston
5 Museum Work Day: Volunteers welcome; 8:00AM; Lunchtime Seminar (bring your own lunch): Jan Summers Duffy, OJSMNH: “Archaeology: Discovery. Reassessment & Artifacts of the Warm Spring Site #10AA612”; The O.J.Smith Museum of Natural History, Boone Hall, The College of Idaho, Caldwell
5 Weaving Guild Meeting, 11:30AM, First Congregational Church of Christ, Boise
5 Farmers Market, Idaho Falls
5 CAHC Health Fair, Challis
5-26 Long Camp Farmer’s Market,; SATURDAYS, Kamiah/Kooskia
5-26 Farmers Market: SATURDAYS, Idaho falls
5 Winchester/Craigmont City Wide Yard Sale, Winchester
6 Kiwanis Annual Yard Sale, Kamiah
6 Raceway Races, Pocatello
6-27 Flat Track Races: SUNDAYS, Pocatello Downs, Pocatello
7 Lecture: Lynn Kinter talks about showy wildflowers and other native and non-native plants in the Boise foothills. Free and open to the public. 6:30-8:00 PM, MK Nature Center, Boise
8 Story Trail Adventure–“Baby Owls”: For ages 3-1/2 to 5. We will walk the quarter mile trail and read the story pages posted on our platforms together. 10:00-11:00. $3. Register by calling 208-608-7680. Foothills Learning Center, 3188 Sunset Peak Road, Boise
8 Idaho Fish & Game’s “Take Me Fishing” Trailer: 3:00-6:00PM, Fernan Lake, Coeur d’Alene
9 Nampa Spring Job and Career Fair: Free; 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM, Civic Center, Nampa
9 Laura Moore Cunningham City Arboretum Tour: Come tour the nursery and see where the city grows its trees, and then walk over to the Kristin Armstrong Municipal Park and look at mature specimens. Please wear appropriate shoes and bring a water bottle if the weather is warm. FREE! To register, call 208-608-7680. 6:00-8:00PM, Laura Moore Cunningham Nursery, 1149 E Lewis St., Boise
10 Kids’ Obstacle Racing League: 4:30 PM – 8:30 PM, Tautphas Park
Venue: Tautphas Park, Freeman Park, Sandy Downs | City: Idaho Falls
10-12 Quilt, Craft and Sewing Festival, Expo Idaho, Garden City
11-12 Blackfoot High School Rodeo: Eastern Idaho Fairgrounds, Blackfoot
12 Birding Festival: The Birding Festival provides participants the opportunity to view a wide variety of birds normally seen in Southeastern Idaho. Field trips to Massacre State Park and the American Falls Reservoir provide a great place for bird watching. The date is timed to overlap wintering birds and the beginning of spring migration. Children must be accompanied by parents. American Falls
12 Idaho Fish & Game’s “Take Me Fishing” Trailer: 1:00-2:00PM, Kleiner Park Pond, Meridian
12 Veterans Stand Down: Open to all veterans and their families. 8:00AM-1:00PM, Kootenai County Fairgrounds, Coeur d’Alene
12 Sing Along With Don Ritchey: 12:30 PM, Library District, Meridian
12 Depot Days: AKA Northern Pacific Railroad Depot Museum Festival and Classic Car Show. Kiwanis Breakfast, Live Music at the Gazebo, “Brat Boys” and other Food Booths, Children’s Games, Depot Museum Tours, Model Railroad Display, 16 Car Classes plus Motorcycle, Raffles. Wallace
12 Ustick in Bloom: A community celebration that features live music, food trucks, local artisans and vendors, community resources and kid’s activities. Redwood Park, Boise
13 Mother’s Day at the Zoo, Zoo Idaho, Pocatello
14-20 Boise Music Week: See schedule at HYPERLINK;; Boise
15 Home School Days: Pollinators and Garden Nutrition: $3/student, register at 208-608-7680. 1:00-2:30, Boise Urban Garden School (BUGS), 2995 N. Five Mile, Boise
15 Idaho Fish & Game’s “Take Me Fishing” Trailer: 3:00-6:00PM, Jewel Lake, Sandpoint
16 Mayor’s Bike Ride: Celebrate National Bike Week by joining the Mayor and other Nampa City Council members for a family friendly bicycle ride on Nampa’s pathways. 6:00-7:30PM. Ride will begin and end at Lloyd Square. Helmets required. Nampa
17-20 “Lost in the ‘50s”: Rock ‘n’ roll concert, car parade and street dance, a downtown car display, and more. Sandpoint
18-20 Idaho River Rendezvous, Mountain Village Resort, Stanley
18 “Art of Building a Community”, Karcher Mall, Nampa
18-19 Blackfoot High School Rodeo: Eastern Idaho Fairgrounds, Blackfoot
18-19 Monster Truck Insanity Tour, Sandy Downs Arena, Idaho Falls
19 Idaho Fish & Game’s “Take Me Fishing” Trailer: 9:30AM-1:30PM, Robinson Pond, Kamiah
19 Special Needs Climbing Event: This will be the 3rd annual Courageous Kids Climbing event. It takes place in the outdoor boulder field at Camp Pinewood, next to the Payette River. We also set up a slackline for this event. It is held RAIN OR SHINE! McCall
19 Fiddle Contest: Come celebrate National Fiddle Day by attending this historical event. Come out and watch some of the nation’s best fiddlers compete for the championship title, and enjoy an evening of music, entertainment, and fun. 8:00 AM-10:00 PM, Fine Arts Building, ISU, Pocatello
19 VFW Community Breakfast, 8:00-11:30AM, Rexburg
19 WaterShed Weekend: Water Festival!: Celebrate the Boise WaterShed’s 10th anniversary with festival activities, water games, cupcakes, and a trout release! Free Activities 10:00 am – 1:00 pm followed by hike to Boise River from 1:00 – 2:00 pm. Boise WaterShed, 11818 W. Joplin Road, Boise
19 Elk City Wagon Road Museum “Dessert at the Museum”, Clearwater
19 Wine & Art in the Park: Stroll the scenic Snake River, dine on food truck fare, peruse one-of-a-kind art from over 10 unique artists and listen to local musicians at Marsing Island Park. It’s an all ages events, so bring the whole family—from the smallest to the tallest. Marsing
19 Crazee Dayz: This event brings the community downtown to explore craft vendors, food vendors, a car show, and much more! Noon to 5:00 PM, Mountain Home
19 Idaho Fish & Game’s “Take Me Fishing” Trailer: “Fishin’ with the Commission”, 10:00-2:00PM, Sego Prairie Pond, Kuna
19 Idaho’s Largest Garage Sale, Expo Idaho, Garden City
19-20 Northwest Spring Fest: Shake the cabin fever and bring the family out for some sportsman’s activities with the CDA Bowmen, Monster Trucks, music, animals, bouncy houses, Dock Dogs and more! Kootenai County Fairgrounds, Coeur d’Alene
20 American Legion Breakfast, 8:00-10:00AM, Challis
20 Special Needs Climbing Event: This is the 4th visit of Courageous Kids Climbing to Wings Center! It is one of our more popular events with the kids. In addition to the “usual” climbing walls, the facility also has climbing walls built out of old tires; a cargo net for climbing and a rope ladder. 10:00 am until noon, Wings Center, Boise
22 Idaho Fish & Game’s “Take Me Fishing” Trailer: 10:00-2:00PM, Marsing Pond, Marsing
22 Idaho Fish & Game’s “Take Me Fishing” Trailer: 3:00-6:00PM, Cocolalla Lake, Sandpoint
23 “From Back to ROCK”: Season Finale concert. Free and open to the public; 6:00PM, Schuler Performing Arts Center, North Idaho College, Coeur d’Alene
24 Music Adventures with Paige Moore, “Carnival of the Animals”, Public Library, Meridian
24 Idaho Fish & Game’s “Take Me Fishing” Trailer:4:00-7:00PM, Kiwanis Park Pond, Lewiston
24 Idaho Fish & Game’s “Take Me Fishing” Trailer: 3:00-6:00PM, Hayden Lake Sportsmans Park, Hayden Lake
25 55th Annual Fisherman’s Breakfast: A 62 year-old volunteer-run event marks the start of fishing season and provides free breakfast to locals and visitors alike. 6:00 AM, Clyde Keefer Park, St. Anthony
25 Book Club: 10:30 AM, Chapter One Book Store, Ketchum
25-27 Priest Lake Spring Festival, Coolin
25-28 Pickleball Tournament: No charge for spectators, Settlers Park, Meridian
26 Idaho Fish & Game’s “Take Me Fishing” Trailer: 9:30AM-1:30PM, Deyo Reservoir, Weippe
26 The Route of the Hiawatha, The Crown Jewel of North America Rail-to-Trails opens, Mullan
26 Clayton Museum Opening, Clayton
26-28 2018 Field of Honor Memorial: 10:00AM, Freeman Park, Idaho Falls
28 Chesterfield Memorial Day Celebration: The Fun Run starts at 9 a.m. Then old fashioned games at the Loveland House. Butter making & wheat grinding at the Denmark Jensen Cabin. Old time drinks at the Ira Call Cabin. Horse shoe nail rings & rope making at the Blacksmith Shop. Cowboy lore & trick roping at the Blacksmith shop.9:00 AM, Chesterfield Townsite
29 Idaho Fish & Game’s “Take Me Fishing” Trailer: 3:00-6:00PM, Post Falls Park, Post Falls
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