May 2019 Calendar

By Les Tanner
In spite of our efforts to ascertain that events listed in our calendar are described accurately, cancellations or changes due to weather, illness of performers, and other such things, although rare, are bound to occur. Double checking with the event coordinators about locations, dates and times is always a good idea. Details about many of the following events can be found at
Northern Idaho
1-5 K&K Spring Fishing Derby: Lake Pend Oreille, Sandpoint
4 Community-Wide Yard Sale, Kamiah/Kooskia
4 Kiwanis Annual Yard Sale, Kamiah
4 Farmer’s Market: Opening day. Open Wednesday afternoons and Saturday mornings. Farmin Park, Sandpoint
4-5 Annual Riggins Rodeo: Cowboy Breakfast, Parade, Rodeo, Riggins
4 Renaissance Fair: East City Park, Moscow
4-25 Long Camp Farmer’s Market: SATURDAYS, Kamiah/Kooskia
6 Idaho Fish & Game “Take Me Fishing Trailer”: Great for kids and parents. No license required, equipment and help furnished. 4:00-7:00, Hordeman Pond, Moscow
8 Bike To School Day: Lake Pend Oreille School District “Safe Routes to School” invites families to join students nationwide for Bike to School Day, a national event. Sandpoint
9 Idaho Fish & Game “Take Me Fishing Trailer”: Great for kids and parents. No license required, equipment and help furnished. 3:00-6:00, Hauser Lake, Hauser
11 Depot Day Car Show: 9:00 AM, Downtown Wallace
11-14 KOA “ISBA Bluegrass Super Jam”, Kamiah
13 Idaho Fish & Game “Take Me Fishing Trailer”: Great for kids and parents. No license required, equipment and help furnished. 4:00-7:00, Kiwanis Park Pond, Lewiston
16-19 Lost in the ‘50s: This annual retro celebration includes a downtown car parade and show, music events at the Bonner County Fairgrounds, and more. Sandpoint
18 Idaho Fish & Game “Take Me Fishing Trailer”: Great for kids and parents. No license required, equipment and help furnished. 11:00-4:00, Post Falls Park, Post Falls
19-20 Mat’Alyma Root Festival & Powwow, Kamiah
19 Elk City Wagon Road Museum, “Dessert at the Museum”; Clearwater
21 Idaho Fish & Game “Take Me Fishing Trailer”: Great for kids and parents. No license required, equipment and help furnished. 3:00-6:00, Cocollala Lake, Westmond
24-25 Annual Weippe Camas Festival & Retreat, Weippe
25 Opening of the Route of the Hiawatha: The Route of the Hiawatha is a mountain bike or hike trail. It’s 15 miles long with 10 train tunnels and 7 sky-high trestles. The trail follows the crest of the Bitterroot Mountains near Lookout Pass Ski Area. The best part: it’s all downhill with shuttle buses available to transport you and your bike back to the top. This family friendly trail is easily enjoyed by a wide variety of people from young children to super seniors. Wallace
26-29 Lochsa River “Memorial Day Madness”, Lowell
28 All Stars Student Concert: The community is invited to the 4th annual Music Conservatory of Sandpoint’s All Stars Student Concert. 7:00 PM, Panida Theater, Sandpoint
Southwestern Idaho
1 Boise Birding Series, “Bird Identification”: We will focus on identifying the most common birds coming through Hulls’ Gulch, using both visual and aural clues. Free program for experienced and novice birders alike. 8:00-9:00 AM, Foothills Learning Center, Boise
1 Idaho Fish & Game “Take Me Fishing Trailer”: Great for kids and parents. No license required, equipment and help furnished. 4:00-8:00 PM, Wilson Ponds, S. Powerline, Nampa
2 Clases Gratis de Ciudadania: (Free Citizenship Classes): 5:30-7pm Libreria Publica de Nampa
2-30 BINGO: THURSDAYS; 7:00-9:00, Elks lodge, Weiser
4 Train Depot Open House: Come on over and take a look around at all of the Caldwell history on display! A great family outing for young and old. Train Depot, Caldwell
4 Ballroom Social Dance: Come join our monthly dance with East Coast Swing lesson taught by Lori Gonzales. $10 per person, light snack provided. No partner or experience needed. This is a smoke and alcohol-free venue. Boise Square Dance Center, Boise
4 Bubble-Balls Kickball Tournament: Expo Idaho, Garden City
4 Museum Work Day: Volunteers welcome; 8:00AM; Lunchtime Seminar (bring your own lunch): Speaker: Dr. Rochelle Johnson, “Transatlantic Origins of American Environmental Thought”; O.J.Smith Museum of Natural History, Boone Hall, The College of Idaho, Caldwell
4 Mother’s Day Celebration: 10:00 AM, Expo Idaho, Garden City
4 Pokemon Tournament: 2:00-3:00 PM, Public Library, Caldwell
5,12,19 Writer’s Workshop: SUNDAYS. Writing exercises and peer critique. Ages 18+. 2:30-4:30 PM, Public Library, Caldwell
7 Art Endeavor!: Do you enjoy art? Are you interested in learning and doing more? All ages welcome. 4:30 – 6:00 PM, Public Library, Nampa
7 Kilroy Koffee Klatch: 10:00-12:00 at Nampa’s Warhawk Air Museum; FREE for ALL veterans and ALL veterans are welcome; Coffee and breakfast treats are served at no charge. No RSVP required – just show up; Nampa
8 Idaho Fish & Game “Take Me Fishing Trailer”: Great for kids and parents. No license required, equipment and help furnished. 4:00-8:00 PM, Sterling Park Pond, Boise
9 Boise Music Week Musical Performance: Weiser
9-11 Rusty Barn Quilt, Craft and Sewing Festival: Free. 10:00-5:00 Friday and Saturday, 10:00-4:00 on Sunday. Center Expo, Expo Idaho, Garden City
10,24 Spanish Conversation Club/Club de conversación en español; 7:00-9:30 PM, Public Library, Weiser
11 Moms & Marshmallows: Celebrate your moms and grandmas with a craft and snack. All ages. 11 am to 12 pm, Public Library, Caldwell
11 Foothills Family Day: Free, no pre-registration. 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM, Foothills Family Center, 3188 Sunset Peak Rd, Boise
11 Mother’s Day Mad Hatters Event: Free. 9:00 AM-5:00 PM, O’Connor Field House, Caldwell
11 Sing Along with Don Ritchey: 12:30 PM, Meridian Library at Cherry Lane, Meridian
15 Idaho Fish & Game “Take Me Fishing Trailer”: Great for kids and parents. No license required, equipment and help furnished. 4:00-8:00 PM, Sawyers Pond, Emmett
19 Worm’s World: Worms are weird, gross–and cool! Learn about the secret lives of worms, how they live–and why we absolutely need them. Free. 1:00-4:00 PM, MK Nature Center, Boise
20 Natural History of the White Sturgeon: Lecture designed for adults. Free and open to the public. 6:30-8:00 PM, MK Nature Center, Boise
21 Indianhead Flyfishers Fly Tying Class: 7:00-9:00 PM, Public Library, Weiser
21 Adult Board Games: Ages 18+. 6:30-8:00 PM. Flying M Coffee Shop, Caldwell
25 Idaho Fish & Game “Take Me Fishing Trailer”: Great for kids and parents. No license required, equipment and help furnished. 10:00 AM-2:00 PM, Eagle Island State Park, Eagle
31-6/1 38th Annual Greek Food Festival: 11:00 AM, Saints Constantine and Helen Greek Orthodox Church, Boise
Central Idaho
1-31 Story Time: WEDNESDAYS and FRIDAYS. All ages welcome. 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM, Public Library, Hailey
2 Archaeology Day: Land of the Yankee Fork Interpretive Center, Challis
11 Health Fair: Sponsored by Challis Area Health Center, Challis
11,19 Silver Creek Preserve Volunteer Work Parties: Volunteer work parties to get the Preserve ready before opening day, clearing trails, cleaning the visitors center, and replacing signs. Must be able to carry 25 lbs and walk on uneven ground. Must register at . 1:00-4:00 PM, Silver Creek Preserve, 165 Kilpatrick Bridge Rd, Bellevue
18-19 Home, Garden and Outdoor Show: Includes the annual Arborfest celebration and NAMI’s Biking for Mental Wellness Stigma Free Ride. Hailey
25 Museum Opening, Clayton
Eastern Idaho
1 Kevin Johnson, Ventriloquist: Known for his clean comedy, Kevin Johnson provides a great show for the whole family. 7:00-9:00 PM, Blackfoot Performing Arts, Blackfoot
2 Free ATV Safety Class: Preregister at . 6:00pm to 9:00pm, Allen Taggart Airport, Soda Springs
2-30 Acoustic Musicians Open Mic: THURSDAYS. An evening for ALL AGES to promote and showcase their musical talents. 7:00 PM, Kool Beanz Cafe. Idaho Falls
3 American Falls High School Rodeo: 7:00 PM, Fair Grounds, American Falls
4 Wellness Festival: Workshops and demonstrations featuring acupuncture, gyro kinesis, fermenting food, Solomon Training Systems, Brady’s Plant Ranch, a Fun Run, & wellness oriented vendors. Free to attend, but donations will be appreciated. Lava Hot Springs
4 Choralaires Concert: A fun and uplifting (and free) concert by Idaho’s longest running women’s choir. 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM, Thunder Ridge High School, Idaho Falls
10 Blackfoot High School Rodeo: 7:00 PM. Eastern Idaho State Fairgrounds, Blackfoot
11 Senior Health & Safety Fair: A free educational and interactive event designed to provide outreach to seniors, their families, and the community,.11:00 AM – 3:00 PM, Idaho Falls
17 Endangered Species Day at the Zoo: Come see the animals at the Zoo when the new babies are being born! Mothers will receive 50% off their admission when they are accompanied by a paid child. Zoo Idaho, Pocatello
17-18 East Idaho Home and Garden Show: Kingston Plaza, Idaho Falls
25-27 Field of Honor Memorial: This is a great opportunity to salute a veteran, first responder, unknown soldier, child abuse victim or any hero of your choice by sponsoring a flag in their name at Ceremonies, fly-overs and music will be played throughout the weekend event. Open to the public. 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM, Freeman Park, Idaho Falls
27 Fisherman’s Breakfast: A tradition since 1955. From 6:00 AM to 2:00 PM, visitors get a full breakfast of hotcakes with butter and syrup, sausage, hash browned potatoes, and beverages–and it’s all free. Clyde Keefer Memorial Park, St. Anthony
27 Memorial Day Celebration: Wagon rides, 5-K Run/Walk, butter making, rope making, prairie diamond rings, Indian artifacts, vintage sewing machine display, dolls, hats and aprons, candy and ice cream. A petting corral for the little ones. Each home will have someone there to tell you about the home. Chesterfield
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