May 2020 Calendar

By Les Tanner
Many cancellations or changes in these events are likely to occur because of concerns about the coronavirus disease Covid-19. We nevertheless show them here, because one goal of the magazine, including the Calendar, is to show what life in Idaho is about. Double-checking with event coordinators about the following locations, dates, and times is highly recommended.
Northern Idaho
1-2 Idaho Music Education Association State Solo & Ensemble Competition: Post Falls
1-29 Friday Movie Night at the Kroc Center: FRIDAYS. Free. 6 PM – 8 PM, Salvation Army Kroc Center Theatre, Coeur d’Alene
2 Disaster Preparedness Day: Activities and information furnished by service groups like Red Cross, Search and Rescue, Community Health, EMTs, Fire Dept., LifeFlight, and others. Pierce
2,6 Farmers Market: Fresh produce, artisan goods and live entertainment; Wednesday afternoons and Saturday mornings in Farmin Park, Sandpoint
2-30 Long Camp Farmer’s Market: SATURDAYS: Kamiah
2-3 Riggins Rodeo: Sponsored by the Salmon River Cowboy Association. Rodeo at 1:30 PM each day. The traditional parade delights those of all ages on Sunday, at 11 AM down Main Street starting at the City Park. Riggins
2-3 Silverwood Theme Park Opens: Athol
3 Cowboy Breakfast: Sponsored by the Salmon River Chamber of Commerce. “Yummy Yummy Yummy Pancakes for your tummy!”, 6 AM to 10 AM Riggins Community Center, and followed by the Rodeo Parade, Riggins
5 Hungry Heroes Breakfast: Complimentary Veterans Breakfast, 8 AM, Garden Plaza, Post Falls
6 Blood Drive: 8 AM – 2 PM, Vendome Event Center, Weiser
9 Northern Pacific Depot Day: Museum Festival and Classic Car Show, Downtown Wallace
9 20th Annual “Sacred Salmon Ceremony & Friendship Pot Luck”: This celebration is held in appreciation of the annual return of the Chinook salmon and is conducted by one of the Nez Perce Elders and hosted by Salmon River rafting with Wapiti River Guides. It is is free & open to all. Noon -3 PM at Spring Bar (about 12 miles east of Riggins, up the Main Salmon River), Riggins
10 CycloFemme de Sandpoint. Join the Greasy Fingers ladies, and the rest of the crew, to celebrate and encourage women of all ages to ride their bikes! This will be a casual group ride out the Dover bike path to the marina and back (around 8 miles round-trip), starting at 2 PM, Sandpoint
14-16 Lost in the ‘50s: Sandpoint’s biggest party of the year, the weekend of fun includes hundreds of classic cars on parade and on show throughout downtown. Sandpoint
15-17 Mat’Alyma Root Festival & Powwow, Kamiah
22 Baked Potato Bar Dinner: $6/Adult, $4 for children under 8; 4:30 PM – 6 PM, Lake City Center Banquet Room, Coeur d’Alene
22-29 64th Annual NAIA World Series: Lewis-Clark State College Harris Field, Lewiston
23 20th Annual Retreat to Weippe, Weippe
29-30 Kamiah KOA “ISBA Bluegrass Super Jam”, Kamiah
30 The Gathering: Fine Art and Artisan Craft Show. One day, seven artists, unlimited creativity. Everyone is welcome to attend. 10 AM to 4 PM, 1420 N. Center Valley Rd., Sandpoint
30 Run For 271: A fun family day which directly benefits the 11 elementary schools in Coeur d’Alene. The event has a fun 5K, 1 mile fun run, kids obstacle course, food, music, games for the kids, huge raffle, and much more. We have raised over $125,000 for the schools. This is an event where the WHOLE family can be a part of. Help us raise money again this year by just being a part of it. 8 AM – 1 PM, McEuen Park, Coeur d’Alene
Southwestern Idaho
1 Stitchin Sisters: A friendly group of adult quilters. All experience levels welcome. 11 AM – 2 PM, Public Library, Nampa
1-3 Jurassic Quest: See over 80 True-To-Life Size Dinosaurs. Expo Idaho, Garden City
1,2,8,9 Star Gaze: 6:30 PM , Bruneau Dunes State Park Observatory, Mt. Home
2 Museum Work Day: Volunteers welcome; 8AM; Lunchtime Seminar (bring your own lunch), Speaker, Kaitlin Maguire: “Field Work in Mongolia and Tanzania”. O.J.Smith Museum of Natural History, Boone Hall, The College of Idaho, Caldwell
2 Pokemon Tournament: Ages 9-17. Check with library for rules, details, qualifications. 1 PM. Public Library, Caldwell
2 Treasure Valley Catio Tour: The inaugural Treasure Valley Catio Tour (TVCT) presented in partnership by Golden Eagle Audubon Society and Operation Community Cats. A self-guided tour for interested community members to stop by, view and learn more about catios – cat patios that provide felines safety and enrichment outdoors. Information: [email protected] 11 AM-4 PM, Boise
2 Courageous Kids Climbing: “Climbing on Stuff and Race Cars”. For up to twelve school age children who are legally blind. The children will be visiting Meridian Speedway, providing the opportunity for the kids to touch various race cars.. Information at [email protected] The event will run from 10 AM – Noon. Meridian
2,9,16,30Schick-Ostolasa Farmstead Tours: 12:30 PM, Schick-Ostolasa Farmstead, Boise
5 Cinco de Mayo: Taco trucks, live entertainment, pinatas—and will be a party no one will forget. Admission to this event is free. 4 -9 PM. Indian Creek Plaza, Caldwell
5 Clases Gratis de Ciudadania/Free Citizenship Classes: 6-8 PM Libreria Publica de Nampa
5 Kilroy Coffee Klatch: 10 AM-Noon at Nampa’s Warhawk Air Museum; FREE for ALL veterans and ALL veterans are welcome; Coffee and breakfast treats are served at no charge. No RSVP required – just show up; Nampa
7 Teen Gaming Night: Gaming will include several consoles, big screens, Mario Kart, Smash Brothers and more. 4:30 – 6 PM, Public Library, Nampa
8-9 Summery Market 2020: Free & Open to Public, JUMP, Boise
9 Mother’s Day Vintage Market: Come celebrate Mother’s Day at the vintage shopping event in Indian Creek Plaza, Caldwell
9 Susan G. Komen “Race for the Cure”: 7 AM – 12 PM, Albertsons Headquarters, Boise
9 Make It–Upcycling: Introductory course in “up”-cycling. Ages 13+. 2 PM, Public Library, Caldwell
9 Foothills Family Day- Wildflower Festival: Celebrate spring! Explore the importance of wildflowers through science activities, crafts. FREE! 10 AM – 1 PM, Foothills Learning Center, 3188 Sunset Peak Rd, Boise
10 Mozart & Mahler: Mozart’s Symphony No. 29 in A Major and Mahler’s Symphony No. 1 in D Major. A celebratory season finale that strikes a balance between grace and energy. Tickets start at $23.20, students 1/2 off ticket price: NNU, C of I, WSI and all Canyon County High school students have free admission w/student I.D. 3 – 5 PM, Brandt Center, Nampa
11 Paint Night: Paint along with an istructor. Ages 10+. Class size 25; first come, first served. 6:30 PM, Public Library, Caldwell
13 Hiking Club Trash Clean-up: 5:30 – 6:30 PM, Foothills Learning Center 3188 Sunset Peak Road, Boise
13-17 Apple Blossom Festival: Payette
15-17 Rocky Mountain Pygmy Goat Show: Expo Idaho, Garden City
15 Dance Through the Decades: Indian Creek Plaza comes alive with iconic music from decades past. This is a free, all-age, family-friendly event, complete with floor shows, dance competition, retro costume contest, and concessions. 7 PM, Dance Lesson; Dances, 8 – 10 PM. Caldwell
16Family Fun Nights Kickoff: Free. Enjoy free range balls for kids, a bounce house, food, and lots of fun games. 3 – 6 PM, Ridgecrest Golf Club, Nampa
16 Idaho’s Largest Garage Sale: West Parking Lot, Expo Idaho, Garden City
17 Courageous Kids Climbing: Up to twenty children with special needs will be given the opportunity to go rock wall climbing. Local rock climbers are encouraged to support this event by serving as volunteer coaches and belayers. Information at [email protected] The event will run from 10 AM until noon. at Wings Center in Boise
19 Wild Walk! Exploring Marianne Williams Park: Celebrate World Migratory Bird Day with this activity, sponsored by The Nature Conservancy, the Golden Eagle Audubon Society and the City of Boise Parks and Recreation. It’s family friendly, free, and open to all ages and abilities. Come explore with us and see the “wild” side of Boise. 6:30-7:30 PM. Please wear weather appropriate clothing and closed toe shoes. If you have binoculars, feel free to bring them. We will have some available to borrow. Park location: 3451 E Barber Valley Dr, Boise
23-24 SRRSCCA Auto Cross: West Parking Lot, Expo Idaho, Garden City
25 Memorial Day Ceremony: Honors the men and women who were in the service for our country and many who have made the supreme sacrifice of giving their lives so that we might live in freedom. 10 AM – Noon, Veteran’s Loop of Kohlerlawn Cemetery , Nampa
30 Courageous Kids Climbing: This provides an opportunity for twenty children with special needs to go climbing outdoors on boulders. Activities will also include a slack-line for the kids to try to walk across. Information at [email protected] . The event, which runs from 10 am until noon, takes place at Camp Pinewood in McCall
30 Hands-On Art Saturday: Come make art together! Drop-in, designed for all ages. All children must be accompanied by an adult. Free with the price of admission. (Art Museum admission: $6.00 or less.) BAM Members are FREE. Noon – 3 PM, Boise Art Museum, Boise
30 Summer Splashtacular: Kick off the 2020 Summer swim season with Nampa Parks & Recreation at Lakeview Waterpark or Lincoln Pool. FREE entry all afternoon with water safety educational booths and fun safe swimming activities. 1 – 4:45 PM, Nampa
Southern Idaho
5 CSI Symphonic Band Concert: Free of charge,
All Ages. 7:30 – 9 PM, CSI Fine Arts Auditorium, Twin Falls
Central Idaho
2 Challis Area Health Center Health Fair: The Fair offers a variety of medical tests and services, including reduced cost blood tests, vision screening, and hearing screening. Many health care providers will be present to offer health counseling and information. 8 AM – Noon, Community Event Center, Challis
2,9,16 Silver Creek Preserve Work Parties: Join The Nature Conservancy for a volunteer work party to get the Preserve ready before opening day. We will be clearing trails, cleaning the visitor center, and replacing signs. Registration is required; contact . Ages 15+ welcome. Volunteers ages 17 and under must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. Must be able to carry 25 lbs and walk on uneven ground, Silver Creek Preserve, Picabo
7 Archeology Day: Land of Yankee Fork State Park, Challis
23 Opening Day at Silver Creek Preserve: Join us in celebrating the opening day of the 2020 fishing season. There will be a free BBQ at the Visitor Center from Noon – 2 PM. Come share your fishing stories and celebrate the start of the season. Please note: The Preserve is open to fly-fishing only, Memorial Day weekend through November. Dogs are not allowed on the Preserve, which is open sunrise to sunset year-round. Picabo
Eastern Idaho
1 Butterfly Haven Opening Day: Pingree
2 Mile Twelve Concert: 7:30 PM, Blackfoot Performing Arts Center, Blackfoot
3-31 Flat Track Horse Racing: SUNDAYS. Fast action at the Pocatello Downs. Bannock County Events Center, Pocatello
9 International Migratory Bird Day: Join Snake River Audubon Society to learn more about why birds migrate and why they are so important. Enjoy bird-based activities focused on birds from 12-3pm. Event is FREE with paid zoo admission. Tautphaus Park, Idaho Falls
10 Mother’s Day at the Zoo: Zoo Idaho, Pocatello
15 Endangered Species Day at the Zoo: 10 AM, Zoo Idaho, Pocatello
15-16 Monster Truck Insanity Tour: Sandy Downs Arena, Idaho Falls
16 Armed Forces Day: Free admission to the Idaho Falls Zoo at Tautphaus Park for members of the military (with ID) and one guest. Idaho Falls
23 Birding Festival: 9 AM, American Falls
23 Pocatello Fun Fair & SRD’s Motor Show: 10 AM, Mountain View Event Center, Pocatello
23-25 2020 Field of Honor Memorial: The Memorial features 1,000 large US flags flying atop 8’ poles in perfect rows leading uphill to the Vietnam War Memorial. 10 AM daily, Freeman Park, Idaho Falls
29 Fisherman’s Breakfast, St. Anthony
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