Mother of Inspiration
At the Deadline
By Steve Carr
Internationally acclaimed author Isabel Allende came to Idaho last year. I sat in the audience at the Sun Valley Writers Conference and was inspired.
I learned, among many things, that she begins writing each of her new novels on the same day of the year. A day that reminds her of her beloved grandfather. A day that carries emotional and motivational significance. We can all benefit from a good dose of inspiration.
But I’m afraid if I waited until my mother’s birthday to begin writing this column, my accommodating editor would finally give up on me.
I wonder if our own celebrated IDAHO magazine columnist, Diana Hooley, finds creative stimulus, like Allende, on a specific day or in a special moment.
I don’t know Diana, but I’m wondering if the special day that inspires and moves her creations along is the same as mine: deadline day. And, Diana, if you do have an inventory of delightful columns exploring our shared Idaho landscape and “deadline” is just another word, then I don’t like you as much as I thought I would.
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