No Apologies

For White Bread or Anything
By Steve Carr
I listen to Sinatra and The Lettermen for inspiration while I write. How many people will admit to that? Once in awhile, okay, maybe a little more often than once in awhile, I order a deli sandwich on white. After age fifty, I quit apologizing and quit whispering my order.
It’s somehow liberating to be able to say out loud, clear and proud, “Turkey on white, please.” I know it’s not politically correct or even healthy to eat white bread, but . . .
Every year I have my hair cut a little shorter, not because I believe it looks better, it’s just less bother. Back in the day, when I found myself alone at the office, I occasionally played Mozart. I was embarrassed once or twice when I was “found out” by a colleague after she discovered the CD in the player the next morning. Today I unabashedly enjoy the occasional change from the Pop Top Forty.
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