November 2015 Calendar

By Ruby Tanner
1 Treasure Valley Fall Flea Market: Expo Idaho, Garden City
1 25th Annual Hull-o-Ween Paddle & Potluck: Kids, pets and goblins welcome for this FREE family-friendly event to celebrate Fall paddling at Idaho’s favorite paddling venue; BBQ and potluck to follow; 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM, Idaho River Sports, Boise
1 Story Trail Book of the Month, Red Fox: Each month a different story is posted on ten child height reading platforms; the ¼ mile self-guided trail is open sunrise to sunset and begins in the North West corner of the Foothills Learning Center (208)493.2530; Stories are geared towards preschoolers and early elementary ages; Free; no registration required; Jim Hall Foothills Learning Center, Boise
3 Kilroy Koffee Klatch: FREE for ALL veterans and ALL veterans are welcome; 10:00-Noon, Warhawk Air Museum, Nampa
3 Free Senior Day at The Art Museum of Eastern Idaho: 11:00 AM – 5:00 PM, TAM, Idaho Falls
3-7 Snake River Plein Air Painters: Exhibition, The Art Museum of Eastern Idaho, Idaho Falls
3-10 FIZZYOLOGY: The science behind bubbles; fun, interactive exhibits including the popular 12-foot Giant Bubble Ring (you can get inside!), the incredible Bubble Geyser and a toddler bubble area; Monday thru Saturday, 9:30 AM – 5:00 PM; Sunday, Noon-5:00 PM; Discovery Center of Idaho, Boise
4 First Wednesday: A great opportunity for businesses in Emmett to shine; 12:00 PM, all over town, Emmett
4 Birding Series with Terry Rich: 9:00 to 10:00 am; Free! No preregistration necessary; Bird books and binoculars are available to borrow; Jim Hall Foothills Learning Center, (208)493.2530, Boise
4-25 Family Night at Idaho Ice World: WEDNESDAYS; 6:30 PM; Idaho Ice World, Boise
4-25 FUN Bingo: WEDNESDAYS, 9:45 AM, Senior Citizens Activities Center, Idaho Falls
5 Boise First Thursday: 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM; stroll through the unique shops and galleries in downtown, while enjoying in-store entertainment and special events, Boise
5,6 Meridian Senior Bridge: 12:00 PM – 3:30 PM, American Legion Hall, Meridian
6 Wild and Scenic Film Festival: Don’t miss your chance to catch this action-packed and inspiring film festival; 7 p.m. in the Sandpoint Events Center, Sandpoint
6 Inner-tube Water Polo: Come hop in our inner-tubes for a fun game; ages 8-14 (children must be able to pass the swim test before participating); free with Rec Center admission (208)468.5858; 7:00 PM, Nampa Rec Center, Nampa
6,7 Whitney United Methodist Church Annual Craft Fair: Friday 10:00 AM – 07:00 PM, Saturday 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM, Boise
6-8 65th Annual Ski Swap: Presented by the Bogus Basin Ski Education Foundation; Expo Idaho, Garden City
6-28 ComedySportz: FRIDAYS AND SATURDAYS; The Treasure Valley’s only family-friendly comedy show; See two teams battle it out for points and laughs; Suitable for Children; Admission: $5-$10, 7:30 PM – 9:30 PM, CSz Arena, 4619 Emerald St, Boise
7 Christmas in the Pines and Soup Kitchen: 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM, Winchester Community Center, Winchester
7 Free First Saturday at the Museum: All are welcome to visit the museum free of charge; 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM, Bonner County History Museum, Sandpoint
7 ITT Technical Institute Open House, 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM, Boise
7 Post Falls High School Craft Fair, Post Falls
7 Trinity Lutheran Church 14th Annual Holiday Craft Bazaar: 9:00 AM- 4:00 PM, Nampa
7 Museum Work Day: Volunteers welcome; Seminar: Dr. Eric Yensen, “Idaho Ground Squirrel Translocation”; The O.J.Smith Museum of Natural History, Boone Hall, The College of Idaho, Caldwell
7 Film Festival: The Panida Theater, Sandpoint
7 Kid’s & Adults Xmas Gift Art Class: 11:00 AM; Autumn’s Loft, Priest Lake
7 Real Pirates Invade the Museum of Idaho: Real Pirates tells the story of the Whydah, the first fully-authenticated pirate shipwreck ever discovered and the only one found in U.S. waters; 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM, Museum of Idaho, Idaho Falls
7 Brady Goss electrifying piano phenomenon: Wallowa Oregon’s very own “Piano Man”; 7:00PM, Gem Valley Performing Arts Center, Grace
7 Priest River Community Foundation “Helping our Hometown” Dinner and Auction, Priest River
7 Capital City Public Market: 9:30 AM – 1:30 PM, 8th Street between Main and State, Boise
7 Christian Pincock, trombonist, composer and educator: 7:30 PM, CSI Fine Arts Recital Hall, Twin Falls
7,8 13th Annual Meridian Middle School Holiday Bazaar: Saturday, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM, Sunday, 11:00 AM – 4:00 PM, Meridian
7-28 Community Bingo: SATURDAYS; must be 18 years old or older to play, 6 p.m.-8 p.m, Senior Citizens Activities Center, Idaho Falls
7-28 Fun With Art, Ages 5-12: SATURDAYS, 11:00AM – 12:00 noon; $5; ARTitorium on Broadway, Idaho Falls
8 Fall Choral Collage Concert: 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM, Morrison Center; Admission is $7 for adults, $5 for seniors; children, non-BSU students of any age (with ID), and BSU faculty, staff and students with ID are admitted free; all concert proceeds fund Boise State Music Scholarships, Boise
8 14th Annual Veterans Breakfast: 8:00 AM, Warhawk Air Museum, Nampa
9,23 Historic Preservation Public Meeting: 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM, Caldwell Public Library, Caldwell
10 Story Trail Adventure, Red Fox: 10-11 a.m.; We invite you and your preschooler to join us; we will walk the quarter mile trail and read the book, then head into the Learning Center to do a story-related craft; Free; For children between 3 1/2 and 6 years old and an adult companion; Jim Hall Foothills Learning Center; (208)608.7680, Boise.
11 Lava Hot Springs Hot Pools Free Day for Veterans, Lava Hot Springs
11 Bar J Wranglers: Blackfoot Performing Arts Center, Blackfoot
11 Veterans Day Ceremony: 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM, Rexburg
11 Sunset Series-Critical Habitat: Fun, Free, Adult Education; 7-8:30 PM; Jim Hall Foothills Learning Center, 3188 Sunset Peak Rd, Boise
12 John Best High School Orchestra Festival Concert: 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM; Admission is $7 for adults, $5 for seniors; children, non-BSU students of any age (with ID), and BSU faculty, staff and students with ID are admitted free; all concert proceeds fund BSU Music Scholarships, Boise
12 Winter Jam: West Coast Tour, featuring Skillet, Jamie Grace, For King & Country, and MORE; $10 at the door, Taco Bell Arena, Boise
13 8th Annual “Can You Believe It?” Community Talent Show: National Oregon/California Trail Center, Montpelier
13 Christmas Community Showcase & Festival of Trees: Marsh Valley Performing Arts, Arimo
13 Art Walk: 5:00 PM-8:00 PM; Stroll through beautiful Downtown and enjoy local and nationally acclaimed artists, Coeur d’Alene
13-14 Christmas Bazaar: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM, Maple Grove, 11692 W President Drive, Boise
14 Annual Ski Swap: Fnd great deals on snow gear, winter recreational equipment and clothing; 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Bonner County Fairgrounds, Sandpoint
14 Rake Up Boise: Sign up to help rake the yards of over 700 senior citizens and disabled individuals; registration begins September 1 (208)258.222; 9:00 AM, Boise
14 Free Star Party: View the wonders of the universe with your own eyes through the Centennial Observatory’s 24 inch telescope and other telescopes; 6:15 PM – 12:00 Midnight; Herrett Center for Arts and Science, CSI Campus, Twin Falls
14 Starbelly Dancers: 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM; Free; Boise International Market, Boise
14 Priest River Chili Cook Off, Priest River
14 Golden Dragon Acrobats:.Stephens Performing Arts Center, (208)235.3231, Pocatello
14 Unique Boutique Bonneville High Craft Fair, Idaho Falls
14 Second Saturday Series-Mammals on the Move: 10:00 – 1:00; Free, family friendly, drop in/no pre-registration needed; Come and learn about the movements and local migrations of our four-legged fauna and the importance of our Boise foothills to local wildlife, Jim Hall Foothills Learning Center, (208)608.7680, Boise
15 Rebekah’s Turkey Dinner: Bingo starts at 10 AM, Dinner at Noon, until all gone; donation cost: $7 per person, White Bird
16 Idaho Jazz Society presents Rob Verdi & Saxophobia: The show offers audiences a rare historical glimpse at some of the most unusual saxophones ever made, 7:00 PM, Riverside Hotel, Boise
17 National Interagency Fire Center & Wildland Firefighter Foundation Tour: $20; includes lunch; 9:15 AM – 1:30 PM, Nampa Recreation Center, (208)468.5858, Nampa
18 Conservation & Education Series-Colony Collapse Disorder: presentesd by the Treasure Valley Beekeepers Club: 9:00 to 10:30 a.m., Jim Hall Foothills Learning Center, Boise
19-21 Festival of Trees: 10am – 9pm, Oregon Trail Rec Center Gyms, 1750 Park Ave, Burley
20-22 Canyon County Christmas Show: 11:00 AM; The Ford Idaho Center, Nampa
20 Hunger Bowl 2015: The 8th Annual Hunger Bowl; Broncos take on the Air Force Falcons; Participation is easy, simply bring any non-perishable food item to the game; Albertsons Stadium, 7:30 PM, Boise
20-21 Idaho Snowmobile Show, Expo Idaho, Garden City
21 Free Boat Safety Course: 8:00 AM, Kootenai County Sheriff’s Office Volunteer Search, Hayden
21 VFW Community Breakfast: 8:00 AM – 11:00 AM, VFW Hall, Rexburg
21 Christmas Fair: Fairgrounds, Sandpoint
21 Swing Dance: 7:30 PM – 11:00 PM, Boise Square and Round Dance Center, Boise
21 Black Friday Warm Up: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM, Coeur d’Alene
21 Turkey Shoot: Teams consist of one adult and one child; Each team member will take 10 free-throw shots and the team with the highest combined total in each age division takes home a Thanksgiving turkey; ages 6-13; 10:00 AM; Member $5/team, Non-Member $7/team, Nampa Rec Center, Nampa
21 Map Mania: From 10:00 AM-1:00 PM, play map games for cool prizes, make and eat your own tropical island cookie map, make your own clay volcano, visualize earth in 3D with an interactive topographic map , and much more; Boise WaterShed, Boise
21-22 Wintry Market: Saturday, 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM, Sunday 10:00 AM 3:00 PM, El Korah Shrine, 1118 W Idaho Street, Boise
21-22 Christmas Bonanza: Nez Perce Co. Fairgrounds, Lewiston
21-28 Kendall Chevrolet Clearwater Snake Steelhead Derby, Lewiston
21-29 K&K Thanksgiving Fishing Derby: Lake Pend Oreille Idaho Club’s annual fall fishing contest, Sandpoint
21-30 Winterspirit: Ignite with spirit of the holidays with Winter Spirit! Featured on A&E, the community lights up with interactive displays and dancing trees; 4:00 PM – 11:00 PM, Locomotive Park, Lewiston
23-25 School Break Program: Gobble up some fun while on Thanksgiving Break! From 10:00 AM to 12:00 Noon each day; crafts and activities to enjoy, make turkey place cards, pinecone turkeys, thankful boxes, and more, FREE, Boise WaterShed, Boise
26 Mini-Cassia Turkey Trot 5k Run/Walk: 9am – 11am, West Minico, Paul
26 Caring & Sharing Christmas Tree Festival: 3pm – 9pm, Rupert Civic Center, Rupert
26-1/3/16 “Winter Gardens aGlow”: 6:00 PM, Idaho Botanical Garden, Boise
27 “It’s a Very, Merry Karaoke Christmas”: 6:00 PM in the Allinger Community Theatre, Montpelier
27 “Night of 1,000 Santas” Festival and Night Lights Parade: Plus Santa Hat Contest, Old Town Pocatello
27 Empty Bowls 2015: 11:00 am – 2:00 pm, Boise Centre; The Idaho Foodbank collects handcrafted and hand-painted bowls from professional and amateur artisans, students, and studios; select a unique bowl from thousands and then enjoy a hot bowl of soup donated by local restaurants; Boise
27 Holidays in Sandpoint: Tree lighting ceremony and visit from Santa opens the holiday season, Sandpoint
27 Lighting Ceremony Parade: 5:00 PM, Coeur d’Alene
27 Christmas & Sharing Christmas Tree Festival Gala: 11am – 2pm, Rupert Civic Center, Rupert
27-28 Preston Festival of Lights: Fireworks, Christmas Parade, Preston
27-28 Autumn’s Loft Open House: 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Priest Lake
27-28 ‘Tis the Season Arts and Crafts Show: 10:00 AM, Hill’s Resort, Priest lake
28 Santa’s Workshop: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM, Rexburg
28 Cowboy Country Craft Show: North Gem School, Bancroft
28 Small Business Saturday, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM, Downtown Coeur d’Alene
28 Christmas in the Night Time Skies: Bannock County Events Center, Pocatello
28 Christmas & Sharing Christmas Tree Festival: 9:30am – 6pm, Rupert Civic Center, Rupert Civic Center, Rupert
30 The Kootenai Health Foundation Festival of Trees: 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., Coeur d’Alene Resort, Coeur d’Alene
December 2015—Sneak Peek
1 Kilroy Koffee Klatch: FREE for ALL veterans and ALL veterans are welcome; 10:00-Noon, Warhawk Air Museum, Nampa
1 Free Senior Day at The Art Museum of Eastern Idaho: 11:00 AM – 5:00 PM, TAM, Idaho Falls
1-20 Winterspirit: Ignite with spirit of the holidays with Winter Spirit! Featured on A&E, the community lights up with interactive displays and dancing trees; 4:00 PM – 11:00 PM, Locomotive Park, Lewiston
2 First Wednesday: Businesses in Emmett shine; 12:00 PM, all over town, Emmett
2 Idaho Alpine Club Monthly Meeting: 7:00 PM, 555 West 25th St, Idaho Falls
2,9 Family Night at Idaho Ice World: 6:30 PM, Boise
3 Boise Art Museum First Thursday: 10:00 AM, Boise
3 First Thursday in Downtown Boise: 5:00 PM, Boise
3-5 Festival of Trees, Sandpoint
4-5 Yuletide Lighting Festival, Wallace
4-6 Boise Christmas Show: Expo Idaho, Garden City
5 Chicken Dinner Road “Bluegrass & Beyond”: 7:00 PM, Gem Valley Performing Arts Center, Grace
5 Santa’s Workshop: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM, Rexburg
5 Christmas Bazaar & Charlie Brown Christmas Tree Sale: 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM, Murphy
5 Free First Saturday at the Museum: All are welcome to visit the museum free of charge; 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM, Bonner County History Museum, Sandpoint
5 Museum Work Day: Volunteers welcome; The O.J.Smith Museum of Natural History, Boone Hall, The College of Idaho, Caldwell
5 Community Christmas Tree Lighting, Riggins
6 Boise State Music Department Annual Family Holiday Concert: 7:30 PM, Morrison Center, Boise
6-7 Christmas Concert: 7:30pm – 9pm, Oakley Valley Playhouse, Oakley
7 Mini-Cassia Merchants Association Christmas Light Parade: Activities in the park at 6:00 pm with the parade starting at 7:00, Centennial Park, Burley
9 Lava Hot Springs Customer Appreciation Day: Free Admittance for everyone; Lava Hot Springs
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