November 2016 Calendar

By Ruby Tanner
Family-oriented and “affordable” Idaho events get a free line in our calendar, and each month we choose several to highlight. Here’s how to submit:
Deadline: The first of each month.
Lead time: Two issues.
Next deadline: November 1 for the January issue.
Send details to: [email protected]
1 Kilroy Coffee Klatch: Held on the first Tuesday of every month for coffee and conversation at the Warhawk Air Museum, this event is FREE for ALL veterans and ALL veterans are welcome; 10:00 AM-12:00 noon; Nampa
1-3 Idaho Power Centennial Exhibit: Idaho Museum of Natural History, ISU Campus, Pocatello
1-7 Wild Adventure Corn Maze: This great maze has acres of family fun; Barrel train rides, shooting the corn cannon, paintball matches and Mexican Crazy Corn; 135 West 450 North, Blackfoot
1-25 “America’s Revolution: Rebels with a Cause”: Exhibit; Experience 1776 when a group of American rebels joined ranks and declared Sovereignty; includes artifacts from our Founding Fathers, some of which have never before appeared in public; Museum of Idaho, Idaho Falls
1-12/31 “Exposed: Never Before Seen Wonders”: This exhibit celebrates 82 years of the IMNH’s existence and the amazing, the weird, and the extra-large objects in its collections; includes objects collected by United States presidents; shrunken heads from South America; the first writing system; a moon rock; Rufus, the mammoth excavated near American Falls, Idaho; and much, much more; Idaho Museum of Natural History, ISU Campus, Pocatello
2 First Wednesday, Emmett
2-30 Pre-School Story Hour: WEDNESDAYS, Stories with a guest reader, plus a snack; 10:00AM, Public Library, Salmon
3 Understanding and Managing Atrial Fibrillation (AFib), Saint Alphonsus McCleary Auditorium, Boise
3 Science After Hours: Explore the wonderful world of science with an open mind in a casual atmosphere; sponsored by Palouse-Clearwater Environmental Institute; free; 7:00PM-8:30PM, downtown Moscow
3-24 Riverstone Summer Concerts: THURSDAYS; Enjoy free professional concerts from a variety of genres; High quality audio sound provided by Two Reeds; 6:00-8:00PM, Riverstone Park, Coeur d’Alene
3-24 TNT Youth Program: THURSDAYS; video games for ages 10 and up, Public Library, Hailey
4 First Friday Art Walk, 5:00-8:00PM, Old Town Pocatello
4 Artisan’s Market: Annual holiday season show & sale by Challis Arts Council, Challis
4 Inner-Tube Water Polo: Come hop in our inner-tubes for a fun game of inner-tube water polo; ages 8-14; Children must be able to pass the swim test before participating; free with Rec Center admission fee, Rec Center, Nampa
4 Farm Bureau Salute to Idaho Veterans: This is a free event honoring local Veterans and current Armed Services personnel, featuring a meet and greet, flag ceremony, Posting of the Colors, a guest speaker, luncheon, slide show, free portrait photos for the Veterans, and a complimentary gift; 10:30AM-1:00PM; 275 Tierra Vista Drive, Pocatello
4 Holly Fair: Craft and Product show, Legacy Center, Lewiston
4,5 “The Secret Life of Pets”: Family movie; Bengal Theater, ISU Campus, Pocatello
4-6 Holiday Book Sale: Sponsored by Friends of the Boise Public Library; held at the warehouse at 762 River Street, Boise
4,12 Rake Up Boise: Volunteers rake and winterize homes of seniors and disabled community members (information: 208-258-6222), Boise
5 Horszowski Trio: Pianist, violinist, cellist; (208-459-7583 HYPERLINK for prices); 7:00PM, Jewett Auditorium, The College of Idaho, Caldwell
5 Drive Away Hunger Raffle, Hayden
5 Free Admission Day, Museum of Eastern Idaho, Idaho Falls
5 Winter Swap: Net proceeds go to support local NSP Volunteer Ski Patrols; Kootenai County Fairgrounds, Coeur d’Alene
5 Museum Work Day: Volunteers welcome; 8:00AM; Lunchtime Seminar (bring your own lunch): Teresa Tarifa: “The Andean hairy armadillo: Current knowledge, cultural importance, and conservation challenges”; The O.J.Smith Museum of Natural History, Boone Hall, The College of Idaho, Caldwell
5 Jump Creek Hike: Join the Nampa Recreation Department as we explore Jump Creek Canyon–an easy ¼ mile hike to the waterfall, then a hike to the top of the ridge; dress for the weather and pack your own lunch; $10; depart and return, 9:00AM-1:00PM; Rec Center, Nampa
6 Autocross Racing, Garden City
6-27 Sunday Market: SUNDAYS; Enjoy a variety of local crafters, artists, delicious food, produce and live music; Come out and support the northwest artisans; 1-3PM, Garden Plaza, Post Falls
7,21 Reading at the Refuge: Preschoolers (and their parents!) are invited to listen to wildlife-related stories and do a related craft activity; at 10 AM and at 2 PM, Deer Flat NWR, Visitors Center, Upper Dam, Lake Lowell, Nampa
8 Leslie Gulch Driving Tour: The Nampa Recreation Department and Tom Bicak from Canyon County Parks conduct a driving tour to this remote region of towering cliffs painted in desert hues and honeycombed rock formations sculpted over millions of years; include chances to view wildlife such as big horn sheep and raptors; Bring your camera, binoculars, and a lunch; $15; 9am-2:30pm; depart & return at Rec Center, Nampa
8 Reading Tails: Read books to furry friends (trained therapy dogs with their owners) waiting to hear your favorite stories; all ages are welcome; bring a beloved book to share; 3:30-4:30 PM, Public Library, Nampa
9 Peregrine Fund Homeschool Day: Open to homeschoolers of all ages; Topics will include habitat, adaptations, and endangered species conservation; Morning session 10:30 -12 Noon; Afternoon session 1:30-3:00; cost $3 per person (including students and parents); registration required (208-362-8259); World Center for Birds of Prey, 5668 W Flying Hawk Ln, Boise
9 Parent Play Date: For parents and 4- and 5-year-olds; ARTitorium, Idaho Falls
11 Slash ‘n’ Dash: Rec Center, Nampa
11 Veterans Day Ceremony, 12:00-1:00PM, Rexburg
11 Annual Harvest Dinner: Hope’s Memorial Community Center hosts traditional turkey meal with trimmings; 208-264-5481; Sandpoint
11 Veterans Day at Lava Hot Springs: The World Famous Hot Pools offers all Veterans FREE ENTRY All Day ; we want to our veterans for their service; Lava Hot Springs
11 Vintage Market: Kootenai County Fairgrounds, Coeur d’Alene
11 Cathedral Concert Series: “Contemporary Broadway Concert”; (information:[email protected]), Cathedral of the Rockies, Boise
11-12 Art & Craft Sale: Fairgrounds, Cambridge
11-12 Christmas Market: Huge variety of local crafts and handmade items including baby items, jewelry, hats, handbags, art, and specialty food; 4950 N Bradley Street, Garden City
11-13 Harvest Time Festival: Expo Center, CSI campus, Twin Falls
11-13 Young Nations Youth Pow Wow, Lapwai
12 “Pete’s Dragon”: Family movie; Bengal Theater, ISU Campus, Pocatello
12 Senior Cinnamon Roll Sale: 10:00AM-2:00PM, Senior Center, Salmon
12 Fall Bazaar Craft Fair: One of the longest running craft fairs in the area, with thousands of handcrafted and one-of-a-kind items available; free admission and parking; Bonneville High School, Idaho Falls
12-13 Lewis & Clark Boise/Nampa Gun Show: Ford Idaho Center, Nampa
12-13 Treasure Valley Flea Market: Expo Idaho, Garden City
14 Family Fun Night: Work together as a family to complete an art project; ARTitorium, Idaho Falls
17 Board Game Night: Drop in and play a game or two; Challenge your friends to one of our games or introduce yourself and a favorite game to us—We have games for all ages and skill levels and a quarterly prize drawing; 6:00PM, Hillcrest Library Branch, Boise
17 Arts on Tour–Los Angeles Cello Quartet: 7:30PM, CSI Fine Arts Auditorium, Twin Falls
17 Coffee & Coloring Event, Barnes & Noble, Twin Falls
17 SOUPort the End of Homelessness: Best booth contests, raffles, best soup around; $10; 11:00AM-1:30PM, Kootenai County Fairgrounds, Coeur d’Alene
18 Kids Kayak: Kids, come out and get wet while you play on kayaks; It’s free, supervised and a lot of fun; Ages 8-14, Rec Center, Nampa
18-19 Festival of Trees/Holiday Faire: 7th annual Festival of Trees Scholarship Fundraiser and Michael McLean’s “The Forgotten Carols”; enjoy the fine decorations, trees, festive gifts and auction items that will be on display both days; Items will be available for purchase or bid until 8:00 pm Saturday evening; the Festival is free to attend and monies raised help support the Marsh Valley Performing Arts & student scholarships, Arimo
18-20 Canyon County Christmas Show: Ford Idaho Center, Nampa
19 Bonners Ferry Holiday Market: Celebrate the season by shopping from local artisans and businesses; This is a very popular community event so come out and have some fun, Bonners Ferry
19 VFW Community Breakfast: $5 donation (kids under 12, free); 8:00-11:00AM, VFW Hall, Rexburg
19 Community Thanksgiving Dinner, 5:30 PM; free; Glenns Ferry
19 Fall Craft Fair: Rigby High School, Rigby
19 Turkey Shoot: Win a turkey for your Thanksgiving dinner; Teams consist of one adult and one child (age 6-13); each team member takes 10 free-throw shots and the team with the highest combined total in each age division takes home a turkey–come 30 minutes early to practice; advanced registration is recommended (208-468-5777); Members $5/team, Non-Members $7/team; 1:00 pm, Rec Center, Nampa
19 Ladies Only Swim: Ladies of all ages grab your sisters, daughters, mothers and gal pals and join us in the pools for a ladies only swim night; we will be opening the pools up after hours to women of all ages to enjoy the pool area in a female friendly environment (no males will be in the entire building); we will also have an optional water fitness class kick-off at 7:30 for a fun fitness opportunity; Member: Free, Non-Member $4; 7:15PM-9:00PM, Rec Center, Nampa
19 Unique Boutique Craft Fair: 9:00AM-5:00PM, Bonneville High School, Idaho Falls
19 Community Holiday Bazaar, Pierce
19-26 Snake/Clearwater Steelhead Derby, Lewiston
19-27 K&K Thanksgiving Fishing Derby: Lake Pend Oreille Idaho Club’s annual fall fishing contest; 509-928-9245; Sandpoint
20 Music Conservatory of Sandpoint Fall Concert, Sandpoint
21-12/19 Letters to Santa: Drop letters to Santa off at the Hamilton Indoor Recreation Center or on the first floor of City Hall–include a self-addressed stamped envelope in the letter and Santa will send a letter back; Moscow
24 Turkey Trot, Enaville
25 Night of 1000 Santas: Activities and free trolley rides; Old Town Pocatello
25 Annual Christmas Tree lighting: Kicks off Hometown Holidays; Jeff Jones Town Square, Sandpoint
25 Festival of Trees Opening Night: This is the first opportunity to view the Festival of Trees displays; bring your family and friends to enjoy entertainment by local artists while viewing the magnificent displays; Open to the public, donations accepted at the door; 5:00-8:00PM, Cd’A Resort, Coeur d’Alene
25-26 Oregon Trail Center Craft Show and Fair: National Oregon/California Trail Center, Montpelier
25-27 “‘Tis The Season” Arts and Crafts Show,
Priest Lake
26 Santa’s Workshop: 12:00-4:00PM; Santa Claus is coming to town, Rexburg
26 Holiday Faire at the Veteran’s Hall, Glenns Ferry
26 Light up Kellogg: Christmas celebration, parade and fireworks show, Kellogg
27 Festival of Trees Family Day: Enjoy viewing the tree displays, face-painting, crafts, photo with Santa, and holiday performances by local school groups; Open to the public, donations accepted at the door; 11:00AM-4:00PM, Cd’A Resort, Coeur d’Alene
30 Annual PCEI [Palouse-Clearwater Environmental Institute] Celebration, 5:30-8:30PM, Moscow
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