November 2020 Calendar

By Les Tanner
Many cancellations or changes in these events are likely to occur because of concerns about COVID-19. We nevertheless show them here, because one goal of the magazine, including the Calendar, is to show what life in Idaho is about. Double-checking with event coordinators about the following locations, dates, and times is highly recommended. Details about many of the following events can be found at
1 Daylight Saving Time ends, 2 AM
3 Election Day
Northern Idaho
4 29th Annual Craft Fair: Harpster
5 The Well~Read Evening Book Club: 6 to 7:30 PM,
The Well Read Moose, Coeur d’Alene
21 Community Center Holiday Bazaar; Pierce
21-29 K&K Thanksgiving Fishing Derby: Lake Pend Oreille Idaho Club’s fishing contest, Sandpoint
27 Tree Lighting and Santa’s Arrival: Tree lighting ceremony at Jeff Jones Town Square and Santa visit opens the holiday season. Sandpoint
28 Farmer’s Market Christmas Bazaar and Tree Lighting; Kooskia
28 Silver Valley Christmas Lighting Festival: Enjoy a day of merriment. Stroll the Historic Uptown. Visit Santa at the Shoshone County Mining & Smelting Museum. Lighted parade followed by the tree lighting ceremony at Silver Mountain Resort, Kellogg
Southwestern Idaho
5 Foothills Homeschool Day- Animal Adaptations: Times: 10 – 11:30 AM, Ages: 3-6, 7-12. Cost: $3. Foothills Learning Center 3188 Sunset Peak Rd, Boise
6-8 Ski & Snowboard Swap: South and Center Expo Buildings, Expo Idaho, Garden City
7-28 WalkAbout Boise Historic Walking Tour: SATURDAYS. 11 AM, Meet at the Bench in front of Basque Museum, Boise
14 Foothills Family Day- Animals in Winter: 10 AM – 1 PM. All ages, and Free. Foothills Learning Center 3188 Sunset Peak Rd, Boise
14 Kids Discovery Expo: Explore, Create, Discover. Activities for ages 0-12. FREE for Veterans, Active Military and their families. Single Ticket $5 Family Pass $25 (2 Adults and up to 4 Kids). 9 AM – 3 PM, Expo Idaho, Garden City
14-15 Idaho Dream Wedding Expo: 10 AM, Expo Idaho, Garden City
14-15 Treasure Valley Flea Market: South Expo, Expo Idaho, Garden City
16 Homeschool Day-Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Make recycled art and learn about the city’s recycling programs. Ages:10 & up. 1 – 2:30 PM. Pre-register at least a week in advance by calling (208) 608-7300. Boise WaterShed, 11818 W. Joplin Road, Boise
18 Experience the Mission–A Virtual Open House: Join us online to learn about the impact the Red Cross has made in the community, and how you can help. 6 – 6:30 PM, Boise
19 Downtown Get Down: Fun for the whole family. 6 – 9 PM, Indian Creek Plaza, Caldwell
20 13th Annual Winter Wonderland Festival: Downtown Caldwell decorated with over a million lights. Family-friendly, fun-filled, FREE event. 6 – 9 PM, Caldwell
20-21 Idaho Snowmobile Show: South and Center Expo Buildings, Expo Idaho, Garden City
21 WaterShed Weekend–Map Mania: Learn about maps and layers and more! Two sessions – 10 – 11:30 AM or 11:30 AM – 1 PM.
Limited to 35 participants per session. Sign up for free tickets on Facebook: @BoiseWS two weeks prior to this event. Boise WaterShed, 11818 W. Joplin Road, Boise
Central Idaho
15 Community Breakfast: 8 – 10 AM, American Legion Hall, Challis
19-21 Holiday Open House: Artists, cottage crafters and home based entrepreneurs collectively host a holiday event to start the Christmas shopping and gift giving season. Luncheon served daily. American Legion Hall, Challis
Southern Idaho
3-24 Art After School: TUESDAYS and THURSDAYS. A series featuring fine art and craft classes including painting, printmaking, and mixed media worthy of hanging. Tuesdays, 4 – 5 PM for students 1st – 3rd, and Thursdays, 4:30 – 5:30 PM for students 4th – 6th. Twin Falls Center for the Arts. Cost: $6 per class for Magic Valley Arts Council Members, $8 for Not-Yet Members. To register, call the Magic Valley Arts Council at (208) 734-2787. Twin Falls
Eastern Idaho
11 Thank You Veterans: Thanks to all Veterans who have served our country to protect our freedom! FREE admission to both the World Famous Hot Springs at 430 E. Main from 9 AM – 10 PM and the Indoor Aquatic Center at 195 N. Center from Noon – 8 PM. Thank You for your service! Lava Hot Springs
27-8 Christmas Festival and Parade: Old Town Pocatello
27-8 Light Up Downey, Downey
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