October 2020 Calendar

By Les Tanner
Many cancellations or changes in these events are likely to occur because of concerns about COVID-19. We nevertheless show them here, because one goal of the magazine, including the Calendar, is to show what life in Idaho is about. Double-checking with event coordinators about the following locations, dates, and times is highly recommended. Details about many of the following events can be found at idahocalendar.com
Northern Idaho
1 The Well-Read Evening Book Club: 6 to 7:30 PM, The Well-Read Moose, Coeur d’Alene
1-4 Fall for History Festival: Celebrate Wallace’s history in the most colorful time of the year. Guided tours of National Register of Historic Places homes and churches. Trolley rides to the Nine Mile Cemetery, where actors portray notables interred there. Lectures, plays, dinner shows, and multiple special events. Wallace
3 Annual Oktober Fest: Harrison
3-31 Motor-In Farmers Market: SATURDAYS. ci.moscow.id.us/824/Motor-In-Moscow-Farmers-Market. 8 AM – 1 PM. City Hall parking lot, Moscow
3-31 Farmers Market: SATURDAYS, 8 AM to 1 PM, Downtown Moscow and Friendship Square, Moscow
3-31 Long Camp Saturday Farmer’s Market: SATURDAYS. Kamiah/Kooskia
3-4 Salmon River Art Guild Show: 9 AM – 5 PM, Riggins
11 Clearwater Grange Annual Chili Feed: Clearwater
14 The Well~Read Morning Book Club: 10 to 11:30 AM, The Well Read Moose, Coeur d’Alene
23 Baked Potato Bar Fundraiser: $6 per Adult, $4 for children under age 8.
4:30 – 6:00 PM, Lake City Center Banquet Room, Coeur d’Alene
24 Friends of the Elk City School – Halloween “Fright Night”: Elk City
24 Free Dirtbike Training: Pre-registration is required; please visit idpr.idaho.gov/reced to complete the registration process. Noon, Hells Gate State Park, Lewiston
25 Pumpkin Carving: Riverfront Park, Kamiah
30 Chamber October Costume Contest: Kamiah
31 Life Center Trunk-or-Treat: Kamiah
Southwestern Idaho
1 We Art Women: An event to entertain, enlighten and give back to the community through music and art. Admission: $10.
5 PM, Art Source Gallery, Boise
1 First Thursday: 5 – 9 PM, Downtown Boise
3 Museum Work Day: Volunteers welcome; 8 AM; Lunchtime Seminar (bring your own lunch): Speaker, Eric Yensen: “Rototillers with Jaws: The ecology and Natural History of Badgers”. O.J.Smith Museum of Natural History, Boone Hall, The College of Idaho, Caldwell
3 Gem State Comic Con: North Expo, Expo Idaho, Garden City
3-4 Idaho City Days: Idaho City
3-4 SRRSCCA Auto Cross: West Parking Lot, Expo Idaho, Garden City
3-31 Drive-through Farmers Market: SATURDAYS. See downtownboise.org/do/boise-farmers-market, Boise
6,13 “Tuesday on the Creek” Concert: 6 – 9 PM, Indian Creek Plaza, Caldwell
8-11 Treasure Valley Dog Show: Expo Idaho and Grounds, Garden City
10 Foothills Family Day- Fish of Idaho: Free. All ages. 10 AM – 1 PM. Foothills Learning Center 3188 Sunset Peak Rd, Boise
12 Homeschool Day — Geology Rocks: Celebrate Earth Science week by learning about Idaho’s geology! Make a rock cycle activity. Two programs ages 6-9 and 10 & up; at 10 – 11:30 AM or 1 – 2:30 PM. Must pre-register at least a week in advance. (208) 608-7300 or email [email protected]. Boise WaterShed, 11818 W. Joplin Road, Boise
17 Fall Family Fun – WaterShed Weekend: Paint a pumpkin, take a harvest photo and live Reptile Adventures! 10 AM to 1 PM. Boise WaterShed, 11818 W. Joplin Road, Boise
21 Virtual Open House: 5380 W Franklin Rd, Boise
24 The Great Downtown Harvest Festival: 1 PM, Indian Creek Plaza, Caldwell
Central Idaho
7-11 Trailing of the Sheep Festival in Ketchum and Hailey has been cancelled!
14-18 Jazz & Music Festival; Sun Valley
31 Halloween Hoopla 2020; Hailey
Southern Idaho
1,15 Lincoln County Crossroads Farmers Market: Come visit us this season on the Lincoln County Courthouse Lawn from 5 to 9 PM to taste local foods and shop local goods. Shoshone
Eastern Idaho
2 Free Dirtbike Training: Pre-registration is required; please visit idpr.idaho.gov/reced to complete the registration process. 6 PM, Airport Park, Blackfoot
3 The Great Pumpkin Festival: 9 AM, Old Town Pocatello, Pocatello
3 OktoBEARfest: 4 PM, Zoo Idaho, Pocatello
3-31 Farmers Market: SATURDAYS. 9 AM, Idaho Falls
31 Zoo Boo: 10 AM, Zoo Idaho, Pocatello
31 Trick-or-Treat the Old Town Streets: 11 AM, Old Town Pocatello
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