Sing the Hero

A Hole in the Boat and Ice in the Water
By Kitty Widner
In 1962, four years before I married Edward L. Widner, we were both living in McCall when he was involved in an amazing event that I never even heard about until much later. No newspaper article ever reported it and there was no small-town gossip, nothing.
Several years after we were married in 1967, we were visiting our friends Clyde and Opal Haldeman when the subject came up. After they told me the story, I exclaimed, “People have been given awards for much less than this. And now I find out I’m married to an unsung hero!”
Clyde and my husband—who has been known by the nickname “Dude” since childhood—were both the strong, silent, sportsman types. They treated the story as nothing of importance.
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