The Project

You Net What You Sew

By Les Tanner

Imagine, if you will, a project involving several sets of used lace curtains, an old leather jacket, a few board feet of pine, three yards of cloth, two-and-a-half dozen large brass rings, a mile or more of thread, more straight pins than you can count, and four sewing machines. No, make that five. Add to that a collection of scissors, a magnifying glass, a flashlight, a bench vise, a hacksaw, a hammer, a drill press, other assorted tools and sewing paraphernalia, and a quart of some of the smelliest glue that exists. And to aid in the implementation of these things, four other people are involved.

What do you suppose would result if all that stuff were put to use?  And if it took almost a month to complete the task? Or at least to achieve the first major success.

I’m not asking you to guess.  For one thing, you wouldn’t come close.

So I’ll just come right out and tell you: a butterfly net, the first of an eventual eight.  And not a very big net, either. Certainly not big enough to use on the person in charge of the project.

Who is me.

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Les Tanner

About Les Tanner

Les Tanner is shown here with his late wife, Ruby, to whom he was married for more than sixty years, and who also was on the staff of IDAHO magazine. When Les, a retired teacher, isn’t working on the magazine's calendar, proofreading, fishing, writing, playing pickleball, or pulling weeds, he’s out looking for Jimmy the cat.

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