The Rodeo State

Idaho is rodeo country from head to toe, and wherever you may be in the state this summer, odds are you’ll find ridin’ and ropin’ not far away. A great spectator sport, rodeo also has long been an attraction for photographers, as our cover photo this month attests. Boise photographer Carolyn Fletcher made that image, which garnered a second straight victory for her in IDAHO magazine’s annual Cover Photo Contest.
The photo was taken last summer at the Riggins Rodeo, which Carolyn says is one of her favorite Idaho rodeo events. “The photo challenge is trying to capture the rider’s position as he is bucked into midair,” she notes. “Action is conveyed by the dust cloud and the horse’s hooves hovering above the ground. The rider’s bright red shirt and chaps help provide contrast against the gates and fencing. There is only a fraction of a second to attempt to capture the skills of both rider and horse. It is my continuing challenge.”
Among the state’s many rodeos big and small, following is a list of those in 2016 that are sanctioned by the Idaho Cowboys Association. Other events throughout the state are held annually outside ICA’s purview, including the famed Snake River Stampede and Caldwell Night Rodeo, so these rodeos are just a sampling. This early in the year, precise dates are not yet available for some events. When a rodeo listed below is part of a county fair, the dates given are for the rodeo, not the entire fair. Contact details are accurate so far as we know, although individual contact names could change. As the dates approach, check the websites provided here for details or, for an overview, visit the Idaho Cowboys Association site, – The Editors

Early June
Cambridge—Bulls & Broncs, part of Hells Canyon Days. Call Cambridge Commercial Club, (208) 257-3533
June 8-10, 2016
Eagle Rodeo—Located in the field west of Idaho Athletic Club, formerly Rocky Mountain Fitness on Plaza Drive.
Signs will be posted
June 17-18, 2016
White Bird Rodeo—On US Highway 95 & Twin Bridges at Rodeo Drive. Call 208-983-7701
June 18-19, 2016
Kamiah—Clearwater Valley Roundup Association Rodeo, at the CVRA Rodeo Grounds. Previously held toward the end of June, the CVRA Rodeo has gained ICA permission to move up to the Father’s Day weekend this year. For details, call Jody Brown, 208-935-5821
Late June
Idaho City—Gold Dust Rodeo.
Call 208-345-4496
July 1-3, 2016
Grangeville—Part of Grangeville Border Days. Contact Brad Arnzen at 208-983-5784 or [email protected]
Early July
Weiser—Weiser Valley Roundup,
Call Zane Davis, (208) 880-5167
Fairfield—Camas County Rodeo
Camas Chamber of Commerce
Late July
Glenns Ferry—Elmore County Fair and Rodeo, Jerry Gorrell 208-599-7373 or John Frank, 208-590-4622
Late July
Council—Adams County Fair and Rodeo, fairgrounds, Call (208) 741-2510 or email [email protected]
Late July/Early August
Emmett Rodeo
Late July/Early August
Cambridge Rodeo—Washington County Fair and Rodeo
Early August
Homedale—Owyhee County Fair and Rodeo, Owyhee County Fairgrounds, Jacky King, 337-3666
Early August
Cascade—Valley County Fair and Rodeo
Contact Julie Yates,
Early August
New Plymouth—Payette County Rodeo, Fairgrounds Rodeo Arena Office (208) 278-5000
August 15-16, 2016
Donnelly—Huckleberry Festival Rodeo
Weippe—Wild Weippe Rodeo
phone: (208) 435-4142
or email: [email protected]
Bruneau—Bruneau Round-Up
Contact Dave Carter (551) 536-6275
Early October
Caldwell—Idaho Cowboys Association Finals, CNR Grounds, Debbie Maxwell, phone (208) 899-0498
[email protected],
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