
An angler joins a week-long retreat in Copper Basin to help teach cancer victims how to fly fish.

Reel Recovery

An angler joins a week-long retreat in Copper Basin to help teach cancer victims how to fly fish.
A son recalls his father's adventures as a young forest guard north of the Nevada line, chasing poachers and moonshiners during Prohibition.

Wild Times in the Old Canyonlands

A son recalls his father's adventures as a young forest guard north of the Nevada line, chasing poachers and moonshiners during Prohibition.
Busted as a gold boomtown by 1863, this tiny town at the end of the road has a revived interest in the yellow metal and a knack for non-profit endeavors.

Elk City–Spotlight

Busted as a gold boomtown by 1863, this tiny town at the end of the road has a revived interest in the yellow metal and a knack for non-profit endeavors.
In Defence of  the Town's Cultural Charms
The Challenges of Adjustment
Burdened with Greenhorns
Here's to Hope
Life as an Undercover Game Warden
An Exotic Stranger Arrives
The Perfect Spruce