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2002-12, December 2002 (Soda Springs)

2002-12, December 2002 (Soda Springs)


Volume 2, Number 3

  • Description

    Product Description


    Rendering Gold by Fire with a Master: Fire Assaying at COMER
    by Steven W. Koehler & Earl H. Bennett

    Learn about the University of Idaho’s College of Mines and Earth Resources (COMER) from two perspectives. First, former student Steven Koehler tells about the thrill of working with COMER professor Joe Newton in the 1970s. Then, Dean Earl Bennett recounts the fascinating history of the school, and institution that has trained a great many influential scientists, and is currently undergoing a significant transformation.

    Soda Springs–Spotlight
    by Ellen Carney

    There is always a great deal bubbling up in Soda Springs! This community, smack on the Oregon Trail, has certainly seen its share of history. Join us in exploring Soda Springs’ exciting past and present.

    Ellis Kackley, Pioneer Doctor

    by Ellen Carney

    Early Soda Springs residents were lucky to have Dr. Ellis Kackley amongst them. This inventive and courageous physician kept the infamous and the distinguished alike in good health!


    Outdoor Adventures: Steelhead Anglers Take to the Clearwater
    by Nancy C. Butler

    Holiday Story: Granddad’s Surprise
    by Marylyn Cork

    One Spud Short: Hooked-on Socks

    by Donna L. Anderson

    Who We Are: Surviving Winter Wonderland
    by Greg Palmer

    Smalltown Flavor: Idaho Soap Operas: Marketing at Boutiques, Farmer’s Markets, and Specialty Shops, Idaho Soap Makers Offer Thirty-One Flavors and More
    by Barbara Coyner

    Holiday Story: Ida and Ernie’s Christmas Wedding
    by Nancy C. Butler

    Profile: Who was Packer John?
    by Jerry Branson

    Free Range Verse: The Shoeing Pas De Deux
    by Larry N. Gwartney


    Boise, Clearwater River, Cottonwood, Emmett, Meadows, Moscow, Orofino, Packer John’s Cabin, Potlatch, Priest River, Rexburg, Soda Springs, Weippe

  • Additional Information

    Additional Information

    Weight0.17 oz